mqstout: Carcassonne is far less random than Catan.
Look, you may love the game and that's fine, but it's literally impossible for anything to be more random than Carcassonne. Drawing a random tile is lterally the only game mechanic. It's all there is. In Catan at least you make a decision when placing your starting town that determines how the future random dice rolls work out for you.
mqstout: What? Munchkin is awful and it's boring, stale,
Not surprisingly, it looks like we have very different tastes in board/card games.
Dogmaus: I've never played Munchkins but I've met many enthusiastic players. But as for the videogame, it has bad reviews on Steam, probably also because the multiplayer is local only. Now, if I like Munchkins and I have the friends to play it with in a room, why should I want to go for the videogame?
The only Munchkin I can find on Steam is something called Quacked Quest, and it's an action game that doesn't look like it has jack shit in common with the card game.
Anyway, Munchkin is stupid, entirely random game... and that's the point. It's a parody. It's all about silly puns, RPG in-jokes and trolling other players. It's a ton of fun provided everyone gets it's not a serious game, and you don't play it too often. Me and my friends kinda did, and we're pretty much burnt out on it now, but it took us five different editions and a ton of expansions before we got to that.