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If you enjoy classic releases straight from Piko Interactive, we have something special for you – a whole bunch of newcomers!

You can now get:
Billy Blade: Temple of Time
Canon - Legend of the New Gods
Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero
Excessive Speed

All games are launching with a -20% discount until July 26th.

Now on GOG!
pikointeractive: We provided offline installers to GOG for these. I have just requested them to include offline Installers. I have no idea why they want to force people to do it online?
We can't download it also via Galaxy, ATM there are neither independent (offline) installers nor Galaxy installation available.
high rated
UPDATE - Good news, installers have appeared :)
hopefully they do another round of announcement on social media and home page cause probably a lot of people saw the installers where not there and they didn't buy them.
Hi everyone, I've just discovered some issue with Excessive Speed - you can play first two tracks (Junkyard and Space Station), but after unlocking the third one (Racetrack), whenever you try to play it, it shows message "please insert the CD with game") Pressing enter just throws you back to the menu.In Championship mode it's the same issue - third track (Racetrack) is showing the same error.

Will submit ticket to GOG support about it.
RawSteelUT: 40 Winks has the offline installer.
WinterSnowfall: 40 Winks is not part of the recent batch, it's been on GOG since like forever.
Weird, I could have thought it was part of the batch. That's what you get when you buy games at 2 in the morning, I guess.
pikointeractive: hopefully they do another round of announcement on social media and home page cause probably a lot of people saw the installers where not there and they didn't buy them.
Here's hoping. Just downloaded Canon, can't wait to get into it. Hope to see more games from you guys come here. Brave Battle Saga, perhaps? Perhaps update Radical Rex to include the Megadrive and Mega CD versions as well? The SNES version is far from the best.
Post edited July 21, 2024 by RawSteelUT
Hey Piko, bring us the Four Episodes of ShadowFlare:
It's a great clone of Diablo II, take a look:

This title deserves to be in your catalogue! Get him out of copyright limbo...
Come on, Piko, you can do it! ;)
If you keep using the term "classic" like this it's going to lose all meaning.

As for the missing offline installers, seems like the skeleton krew knocked off for the weekend before checking everything. Again.
Post edited July 21, 2024 by ReynardFox
Wow, Piko even picked up Akimbo. They'll buy anything, ha ha!
Good news - The offline installer for Canon is available from the webpage.

Bad news - It's not available in the Galaxy page, and "Extras" doesn't seem to appear.
high rated
Hi everyone!

We noticed that upon Friday's release there's been some issues with our new games from Piko Interactive, as well as their offline installers. We really apologize for this inconvenience, but rest assure, we took care of it first thing on Saturday, and everything should be working perfectly fine now.

If you have any other issues, please feel free to let me know, but other than that - happy gaming!
n_wolf6: Hi everyone!

We noticed that upon Friday's release there's been some issues with our new games from Piko Interactive, as well as their offline installers. We really apologize for this inconvenience, but rest assure, we took care of it first thing on Saturday, and everything should be working perfectly fine now.

If you have any other issues, please feel free to let me know, but other than that - happy gaming!
Hi, I've discovered during weekend following issue with Excessive Speed, quoting it down below:

You can play first two tracks (Junkyard and Space Station), but after unlocking the third one (Racetrack), whenever you try to play it, it shows message "please insert the CD with game") Pressing enter just throws you back to the menu.In Championship mode it's the same issue - third track (Racetrack) is showing the same error

UPDATE - the same issue appears in multiplayer, with any other track than first two.

I've also described this issue to Piko via their official discord and submitted ticket to GOG support, to let know everyone about the problem.
Post edited July 22, 2024 by MartiusR
high rated
n_wolf6: Hi everyone!

We noticed that upon Friday's release there's been some issues with our new games from Piko Interactive, as well as their offline installers. We really apologize for this inconvenience, but rest assure, we took care of it first thing on Saturday, and everything should be working perfectly fine now.

If you have any other issues, please feel free to let me know, but other than that - happy gaming!
MartiusR: Hi, I've discovered during weekend following issue with Excessive Speed, quoting it down below:

You can play first two tracks (Junkyard and Space Station), but after unlocking the third one (Racetrack), whenever you try to play it, it shows message "please insert the CD with game") Pressing enter just throws you back to the menu.In Championship mode it's the same issue - third track (Racetrack) is showing the same error

UPDATE - the same issue appears in multiplayer, with any other track than first two.

I've also described this issue to Piko via their official discord and submitted ticket to GOG support, to let know everyone about the problem.
Worked a patch over the weekend and I think GOG pushed the update already. So should be fixed.
SilentMRG: Hey Piko, bring us the Four Episodes of ShadowFlare:
It's a great clone of Diablo II, take a look:

This title deserves to be in your catalogue! Get him out of copyright limbo...
Come on, Piko, you can do it! ;)

I'll ask them
Post edited July 22, 2024 by pikointeractive
MartiusR: Hi, I've discovered during weekend following issue with Excessive Speed, quoting it down below:

You can play first two tracks (Junkyard and Space Station), but after unlocking the third one (Racetrack), whenever you try to play it, it shows message "please insert the CD with game") Pressing enter just throws you back to the menu.In Championship mode it's the same issue - third track (Racetrack) is showing the same error

UPDATE - the same issue appears in multiplayer, with any other track than first two.

I've also described this issue to Piko via their official discord and submitted ticket to GOG support, to let know everyone about the problem.
pikointeractive: Worked a patch over the weekend and I think GOG pushed the update already. So should be fixed.
SilentMRG: Hey Piko, bring us the Four Episodes of ShadowFlare:
It's a great clone of Diablo II, take a look:

This title deserves to be in your catalogue! Get him out of copyright limbo...
Come on, Piko, you can do it! ;)

I'll ask them
Seems like GOG didn't publish it yet, but HUGE thanks for repairing that issue! :)
Excessive Speed is still not updated on GOG, from what I saw on game's forum, other players also have this problem (not being able to play ano other track than first two.


(I have submitted ticket to support but didn't receive any reply as well)
Post edited July 24, 2024 by MartiusR
Good news, Excessive Speed is updated and now the bug is no longer present!