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Today we welcome some true classics into our catalog. They represent different genres yet share one common trait - they’re extremely enjoyable! Check them out:

A Vampyre Story (-80%) is a point-and-click comic adventure created and directed by Bill Tiller (a former lead artist in LucasArts). Set in the gloomy land of Draxsylvania, it tells the story of a gifted opera singer Mona De Lafitte, held captive by vampire Baron Shrowdy von Kiefer.

Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return (-25%) is a sci-fi RPG developed by New World Computing (creators of the Might and Magic series). Your mission is to find out who or what is responsible for the Earth’s sudden disappearance…

Wetlands (-25%) is an arcade, rail shooting game with a strong narrative element. The game’s story is set in the year 2495. You become a mercenary hired to bring a dangerous criminal scientist back to prison.

Zephyr (-25%) is a futuristic game that combines elements of FPS and racing. You play a pilot that must fulfill a set of dangerous missions while fighting for the corporation of your choice.

Buckle up and discover those classic titles! The discounts on Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return, Wetlands, and Zephyr will end on 25th December 2020, 2 PM UTC. You can also buy all 3 titles in a cool New World Computing Bundle.

Discount on A Vampyre Story will last until the of the GOG.COM’s Winter Sale on 4th January 2021, 2 PM.

Watch the interview with New World Computing co-founder, Mark Caldwell.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by emter_pl
Too bad about the missing German for Vampyre Story. I know these localisation stuff is out of GOGs hands most of the time. But still, would have been nice.
Oh well, it is cheap and a digital backup is good *bought*
Hey ho, good releases. A Vampyre Story has been heavily recommended to me. Might get it later.
MarkoH01: So where is the German version of A Vampire Story? I mean the one I would actually buy?
GOG, come on - you blocked several games here just to reach the "German market" but yet you are still missing out the fact that many Gemrans like their games in their native language.
Panaias: I do not remember if the physical edition I got is multilingual (I played it in English).

Like you have also stated in the past for other games, I can check if German is included in the disc and, if so, offer to send the files to GOG. (Has that ever happened / worked though?)
Yes, there exists a German dub fior the physical edition. A long time ago I would have said that it really can help if GOG get those files but since Judas obviously is not in charge anymore for such things GOG has proven again and again that they don't really care for any missing German versions anyway. Months(!) ago I've sent them the fixed files for the intro of Hitman Absolution which is only here on GOG English only and with my fix will become multi lingual again (including German). They did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING so far ... oh, they *cough* "forwarded" it ... meaning - they did nothing. So they continue to sell this game in this broken state even though I presented them the fix on a silver plattern. It is beginning to get annoying to be ignored by GOG whenever I want to help. It's also annoying to get downrepped by bots again and again for no reason but I guiess bots will be bots but GOG still could change.

But sure, you coulde try to send them those files - I would love to be wrong and of course I appreciate your effort (my rant is directled at GOG only) and thank you very much for it.
I dunno if this version of Vampyre Story is playable out of the box, but if you have problems running ist, check out my guide on

Dunno if it is integrated or not, perhaps GOG may integrate it in a patch.
MarkoH01: ...But sure, you coulde try to send them those files - I would love to be wrong and of course I appreciate your effort (my rant is directled at GOG only) and thank you very much for it.
Sure thing, no problem. I will check the disc in the following days (I have to "dig deep" to find it :D ) and will post here with the findings (hopefully).

If there's at least a single channel of communication with GOG for such matters, I would be glad to help further. I own a ton of older adventure games in physical format (that may or may not be multilingual) and I've seen a lot of you German guys asking for localizations here :)
tfishell: So maybe this issue was out of GOG's hands.
Swedrami: Like it is most of the time.
GoG can be accused/is guilty of a couple of things (especially considering recent developments) but purposefully withholding certain localisations? I don't think so.
Not accepting and integrating the localisations they have access to as well as the legal rights - yes, they have and they still do. We have countless German games in my German patch thread hier on GOG and I told GOG that they can use whatever they want to integrate those in their official versions. They never did and no, it is not because they simply don't have the rights. Don't know right now if this is the case for Vampyre Story though ... but unfortunately it is not the case that GOG is offering every language version they could.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by MarkoH01
Nice beginning of a weekend I must say :-D

Isn't Planet's Edge somehow connected with Buck Rogers games?

EDIT: Picked Planet's Edge, Vampyre Story and Wetlands.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by tburger
If you like puns and reference humor, you just gotta play A Vampyre Story. Not to mention the game is very beautiful.
tburger: Nice beginning of a weekend I must say :-D

Isn't Planet's Edge somehow connected with Buck Rogers games?

EDIT: Picked Planet's Edge, Vampyre Story and Wetlands.
Nothing Buck Rogers Related I believe. It is an original universe/idea. One of the designers was Jon Van Caneghem itself (Might and Magic) Nothing rare because he owned the company

The game is a Space exploration RPG. A mix of ideas.The exploration general idea is pure Starflight/Star Control 2, the space combat is, again, similar to Star Control, and the planetary exploration and squad turn based combat is Ultima 6. There are alien contacts and trade (Elite/Star Contol 2/Starflight 2) etc...
Post edited December 18, 2020 by Gudadantza
still waiting for a grandia comeback, by the way...
Hooray, we finally get Planet's Edge!!!! o_O
Gudadantza: snip
ok, thx.
DukeNukemForever: Maybe a little warning about A Vampyre's Story that there is a cliffhanger. There was the plan to release sequels, which never happened.
Anothername: The type of cliffhanger that never resolves the main story or the type of cliffhanger that comes after the main story is resolved and is kind of a prelude to the next possible main story?
Unfortunately I don't know, sorry. I never played it (just bought it and later read about the cliffhanger due to the missing sequels). Personally I will only play it when I'm in the mood for a non-story driven game.

But maybe someone else here in the thread knows.
BranjoHello: [...] reference humor[...]
You mean jokes about dictionaries, encyclopedias, and such?

BranjoHello: [...] reference humor[...]
HunchBluntley: You mean jokes about dictionaries, encyclopedias, and such?

They are joking about a lot of things in this game, so maybe even that was squeezed in. xD