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Today we welcome some true classics into our catalog. They represent different genres yet share one common trait - they’re extremely enjoyable! Check them out:

A Vampyre Story (-80%) is a point-and-click comic adventure created and directed by Bill Tiller (a former lead artist in LucasArts). Set in the gloomy land of Draxsylvania, it tells the story of a gifted opera singer Mona De Lafitte, held captive by vampire Baron Shrowdy von Kiefer.

Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return (-25%) is a sci-fi RPG developed by New World Computing (creators of the Might and Magic series). Your mission is to find out who or what is responsible for the Earth’s sudden disappearance…

Wetlands (-25%) is an arcade, rail shooting game with a strong narrative element. The game’s story is set in the year 2495. You become a mercenary hired to bring a dangerous criminal scientist back to prison.

Zephyr (-25%) is a futuristic game that combines elements of FPS and racing. You play a pilot that must fulfill a set of dangerous missions while fighting for the corporation of your choice.

Buckle up and discover those classic titles! The discounts on Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return, Wetlands, and Zephyr will end on 25th December 2020, 2 PM UTC. You can also buy all 3 titles in a cool New World Computing Bundle.

Discount on A Vampyre Story will last until the of the GOG.COM’s Winter Sale on 4th January 2021, 2 PM.

Watch the interview with New World Computing co-founder, Mark Caldwell.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by emter_pl
high rated
The very interesting thing about seeing these classics available again from time to time is that use to be less known titles, some of them underrrated at the time, others justificabily or unjustificabily ignored for the good, and it is an opportunity for its second chance/revision to pass the test of time; this time with the help of perspective. An opportunty to redeem themselves if needed.
Wetlands looks interesting.
Crosmando: No King's Bounty? :(
My guess is that name is now a trademark of 1C Entertainment, making a re-release a little bit more complicated.
Watch out! A Vampyre Story is only HALF a game, which won't be finished due to the developers fell to the Unity Engine Hoax, AND started to develop a second game, AND they rano ver budget (hardly a surprise in the game-industry), thus went bankrupt.
twillight: Watch out! A Vampyre Story is only HALF a game, which won't be finished due to the developers fell to the Unity Engine Hoax, AND started to develop a second game, AND they rano ver budget (hardly a surprise in the game-industry), thus went bankrupt.
According to the reviews and info I have read about the game, this is a point and click Adventure with around 12 to 14 hours of gameplay, more than other similar games, suffering from an abrupt ending. It is not what I'd define like a half game on capitals. But I have not tried the game yet to be categorical.

Anyway, asking to anyone that played the game: Is this like "Kill Bill vol 1"?

EDIT: revised more reviews and opinions and I must correct myself about the length of the game. The most realistic would be around 10 hours for an experienced player, something standard today for the genre. Although the difficulty would be more classic Lucas.

Post edited December 19, 2020 by Gudadantza
It might not be the best but I always wanted to play Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return really happy to see it show up on GOG!
The only one appealing to me could be A Vampyre Story with German and a lower price or higher discount- it's a 2008 game.
A cliffhanger ending is something I can live with, when the dub and the puzzles are good.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by Dogmaus
Dogmaus: The only one appealing to me could be A Vampyre Story with German and a lower price or higher discount- it's a 2008 game.
A cliffhanger ending is something I can live with, when the dub and the puzzles are good.
Cliffhanger ending is one thing, ending in literaly the middle of the story is another.
The game supposed to have 4 chapters, this release has the first two. The story reaches nowhere.
Sure, things are alright, even pretty fine, but only get VS if you don't care at all for the story, only want to solve some puzzles.

Me on the other hand have higher standards.
twillight: ...
What about a humour? In case of Monkey Island every single scene is worth playing just for those brilliant jokes/dialogues. Isn't it the same here?
twillight: ...
ciemnogrodzianin: What about a humour? In case of Monkey Island every single scene is worth playing just for those brilliant jokes/dialogues. Isn't it the same here?
For what I have experimented in a couple of hours, they are a constant, every object, a description and a commentary, a pun or a joke. For now any of them ends abruptly :)

This and the art direction/graphical quality alone makes the game worthy. The humour, the Interface and the stylized design reminds me a lot to The Curse of Monkey Island, specifically.