GR00T: Your player character in
Mask of the Betrayer suffers from a curse early on in the game.
I'm downloading... thanks for the suggestion!
The curse seems to be a important part in the plot, that's definitely a plus!
From what I've read, you can even decide to use the curse to do evil things or not, depending on the type of character you want to be.
ScotchMonkey: Shinobi in the PS2 entry.
Thanks, but my Playstation 2 is broken.
dtgreene: One could also look at SaGa Frontier 2, where one of the main characters, Gustave, has what I would classify as a disability; in a common magic setting, he is unable to use magic, and that fact is crucially important to the plot.
Dang, it's PSX exclusive, how lucky I am.
tinyE: I'm not sure about the exact nature of the term cursed here but I'll throw out Shadowman and EVERYONE in the entire LOK series.
I'll have a look, thanks tinye.
lepke1979: Probably not what you're looking for, but TOME has a Cursed class
It was not exactly what I was looking for, but the game is free. It can't hurt giving this a try, I may like the game.
"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."