luzarius: CDPR's tweet said, "Did you just assume their gender?!" - LINK: I thought this tweet was hilarious, because SJW's make a big deal about this constantly and take it to insane, unhealthy extremes. 99% of the people who buy your games had a good laugh over this tweet. But for some reason you caved to the vocal minority of SJW's in America who have no political power and are considered social outcasts. These people don't buy your games. SJWs are modern sociologists who've graduated from far left universities & colleges. They're goal is to turn EVERYTHING political and force their social justice concepts into every piece of media in existence, with no regard for story, lore or character back story, they don't give a damn about these things. I remind you that CDPR had to defend themselves from accusations of racism from SJW's, just because there were no black people in Witcher 3.
Now you've apologized to them: - This is VERY harmful, because you just made a joke, but then you backed down as if you were wrong, when in fact you did nothing wrong. IMO, you didn't need to apologize. Everyone knows you're either a male or female. Assuming gender is not a big deal.
I've bought every single CDPR game that's ever come out, but if you side with SJW's, I will be forced to boycott your game. I can't believe I would ever have to say this to CDPR, because I LOVE YOUR COMPANY! I've supported you since your inception, but you betrayed me today. *sigh*
- Let's learn from Doom Eternal
The doom guys made a politically incorrect joke in their game: - "remember, demons can be an offensive term, refer to them as mortally challenged." - Gamers LOVED this. Gamers tend to be very politically incorrect. That is why we love games like GTA which is filled with politically incorrect offensive content. SJW's hate political incorrectness, that is why they're so upset with your joke.
- Let's learn from GTA 5
GTA is filled with politically incorrect content, similar to the joke you made on twitter. Yet this game has sold over 50 million copies. Gamers do not like political correctness. We despise it. We love offensive jokes that push the limit.
- Let's learn from Battlefield 5
There's a lot of people who are not buying Battlefield 5 because they've aligned with SJW's. Their trailer was so horrible that it caused a major backlash. Dice allowed their game to be used as a conduit for social justice and the trailer didn't make any sense as a result. Please understand, I say this with full respect to you, SJW's don't care about you or your game. They only care about forcing their politics into everything to promote their political agenda.
- Learning from Kingdom Come Deliverance
The developers who made Kingdom Come Deliverance are anti-SJW. The gamers quickly sided with them and supported their game as much as possible because they were anti-SJW and because they made a quality product.
- Dear CDPR, You're no longer neutral
The only reason I recommend picking a side is because you've crossed the line. You're no longer politically in neutral territory. By making that joke you're now in a position where you need to side with someone. This is just my opinion. I'm not ordering you to do anything. You guys ultimately decide what you want, but because you made this joke and apologized for it. You've inadvertently picked a political side. This is how gamers will perceive your apology on twitter.
You're either anti-SJW or SJW. You can try to stay neutral, but by making the joke and then apologizing to SJW's you've inadvertently sided with them. If you side with SJW, expect the same backlash that Battlefield 5 is getting. If you're anti-SJW expect all gamers to side wtih you the same way they sided with Kingdom Come Deliverance and GTA 5.
Now as a consumer I have to decide whether I want to buy your game or not. If you align with SJW's, I cannot buy your game.
- SJWs in America
Remember, SJW's in America have no political power. Their illogical ideals have caused them to lose all political power. America dislikes SJWs. They have no power here and are laughed at because their ideals are so illogical and nonsensical. I'll always hear them out, always support their free speech, but what they say doesn't make sense. Traditional social justice warriors before 2010 were far more logical. Modern social justice warriors are insane.
*hugs* Thank you for reading. Take care!
Well said- I support you.
They should NEVER have apologised. This will only make them worse and will worsen the game. Stand up to these `pc` bullies. They are terrible people who pretend to be good. If their games become a social justice mess I certainly won`t buy.
Link90. Don`t edit my post without a good reason. Thankyou.