Quite a genius resolution that CDPR made here. In my opinion not giving genders a label would also be the best choice and I'm glad that CDPR figured that stuff out as well.
So Instead of physically provide gender options with an UI dropdown field, simply leave stuff out and let people fill in the gaps. This change is also very inoffensive, because what isn't there can't be really be complained upon. Skyrims
Racemenu does this sort of thing as well. Instead of labeling things in terms just give things a number instead and people will work out what they mean, which in the end has the same effect as not labeling it at all (albeit Racemenus way is a bit more complicated than what CDPR does here).
I'm fairly certain CDPR has taken some ideas from these sort of things but I feel that simply understanding abstraction with and inside art is a simple solution to many things overall so I'm not absolutely sure if I'm right here.
At any case, its also only logical and reasonable to see humanity trend to shift into a more diverse existence as well, as well as a more tolerant one. Let me get political for a bit. If we say for instance that feudalism would make a political comeback worldwide I can say for certain that it won't serve the exact same functions as it did even just 200 years ago, simply because on how society developed prior before its new-found existence. The same applies for basically every single ideology that didn't fully stood the test of time (though compared even to nowadays perspective important stuff like democracy for instance was applied differently 2250 years ago than today as well). This reasoning literally applies to any political ideology. What people fighting for in the end is never fully what they initially fought for because they compare ideologies from different eras. Only the largest extremes that trend to be vastly positive for humanity, such as the right for freedom for instance, is basically ideologically homogenerous. The science also indicates that people will become less racially divided as well.
Besides politics the science of intergender is still petty new though, but simple logic can be applied here as well. There is one big rule: The amount of people correlate to its diversity of the general population. Which means that the size of the population is directly responsible to its diversity. Or in other terms the larger the genepool the higher the chances are of the potential of a more diverse genepool and potentially more people who're LGBT. It simply means being a trans person has a higher chance to happen then it does now, but all in all it still boils down to personal choice. As with anything people can choose to simply keep living their lives without adhering to outside influences of social pressure. As an example I know of two trans persons, with one simply chosen to not have gender surgery and just live their life instead without fully committing/spending (mental) resources and become stressed about it. What I mean is that one can also simply choose to not care about "(fe-)maleness" at all. You could be the sexiest woman or the hunkiest man in the world but if you don't feel like it just be something else or simply be whatever you want instead and your soul/aura will reflect that. In the end it always boils down to your own commitment in what and how you want your life to feel like.
And last but not least and thats stuff people mentioned before, Cyberpunk is all about intersectionality between technology and humanity, which also including an far larger extreme, which is transhumanism. Without ranting too much further. In the end if you don't enjoy that stuff at all simply don't play the game which is what I would do if I don't like something. It would take 10 times less time to make such a purchasing decision than to type this sentence, thats how much of a issue that would be for me :).
EDIT: Having read the thread fully now I still don't get some of the criticism that people voiced. You can still play as a male/female person but its simply just not intentionally labeled as such. In fact doing it this game kinda gives you more options in the way players can choose to play the game with the character they seek out to create. Its not even very political, its kinda more about the RP element that CDPR considered than it is of a political nature. Stop circlejerking around Social Media bubbles where you're forcefed the notion that everything must be political and instead understand that the effect of your actions can simply have a trend to become political, its all cum hoc ergo propter hoc stuff that people do in order to make people believe something that is wrong if you look into it for longer than a minute or so.
EDIT 2: Oh my, my first "low rated" comment, exciting times indeed! But imagine getting downvoted for simply stating that humanity is bound to become more tolerant due to inert tendencies though :P.
EDIT 3: Why is the "low rated" tag away? What a rollercoaster ride, haha.