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I would if I could find people to play with. Same goes for something like D&D.

As a kid we all just collected the cards (Magic, Pokemon, Overpower), nobody actually played them for some reason.

Warhammer is just tooooo damned expensive and my eyes are under enough strain without having to paint the buggers.
I'd love to play poker, but I've got nobody in the house to play it with.
Darvond: I'd love to play poker, but I've got nobody in the house to play it with.
Do the next best thing. Play the first Police Quest. That way you get to play poker with some criminals, and then arrest them afterwards!
I am currently playing , which is quite interesting, though not for everyone. There is an [url=]excellent community for it as well, though competitive play will require either that you drop cash, or that you spend quite a bit of time. Here you can find the ongoing chronicle of a seasoned player starting a new F2P account last month.
Matewis: Do the next best thing. Play the first Police Quest. That way you get to play poker with some criminals, and then arrest them afterwards!
Nah. I just want something that isn't that sissy Hold'em.
almabrds: It depends on what you want to accomplish.
If you want to get legendary card back, for example, you don't need to spend money, there's lots of cheap decks you can copy (netdeck) in hearthpwn. One of the most hated, Face Hunter, can be used to go to rank 1, and it's very cheap. Unless you don't have patience/time to get gold, it's doable.
l0rdtr3k: And I already have to deal with 2 CCGs so I can't drop more money on another. 5 boosters per month is not cheap.
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough: you can get far in the game without spending money. Use the gold you receive every 3 wins, to buy packs (100g) or Arena (150g).
But maybe it's not a good idea to play another card game, because if you want to complete the collection in Hearthstone, you'll need to "sacrifice" a lot of hours to get the cards or a lot of money. Time/money that you're already using in Magic and Battle Scenes.

Hearthstone can be very expensive, if you want to get the cards now, without wasting hundreds of hours. I know, because I've spent more than $500 dollars already. But I want to make it clear that it's not necessary, you can use rush decks in ranked mode.
almabrds: If that makes you feel better, Deathwing is rarelly used, since it doesn't clear the board, most of the time (minions with deathrattle are very popular, like Harvest Golem, Piloted Shredder, Sylvanas Windrunner -> steals the dragon :p), you have to destroy all the cards in your hand, and pray that the opponent doesn't have some form of removal. It's a bad card.
About the internet, have you tried playing Hearthstone in your phone, Matewis?
Matewis: I haven't no, but that is a thought. However, my phone's connection is not all that great either sadly, at least not where I'm staying at the moment. I often have trouble open websites with it, so I don't think Hearthstone will perform any better on it.
In case you have luck, and if you want to play a match, or talk about hearthstone, you can add me: Rebnorne#1503.
almabrds: In case you have luck, and if you want to play a match, or talk about hearthstone, you can add me: Rebnorne#1503.
Thank you :) I'll do that if wind up getting back into it.
I'm a big fan of the 2-player game Battle Line which is cards (and a couple of tokens), as well as some trick taking games like Mu and Nyet. For simpler party games, I like Pit, and Category 5 (the American import of 6 Nimmt(sp?)).
almabrds: Do you play card games?
I'm just curious.
I play Magic the Gathering, and Hearthstone.
It's not quite the type of card games you were asking but as you're from Italy I thought I'd mentioned "Scopa". I have an Italian card deck and play once in a while with friends. It's short, simple and fun.
I love me some blackjack. What? It's technically a card game!
Used to play back in the day 1 card game. Or two. Some tournaments, much money spent on collecting rare cards, etc.

Stopped right when they banned the old cards from "modern" official tournaments. Newer cards were basically nerfed down versions of good old ones. Game was undone by its own self, from the inside out.

That and "black market" vendors ruined the show, as well as rigged tournaments. I knew one such shop owner, poor faqer got what he deserved; death from cancer, they found him dead in his shop. He deceived countless kiddies in trading over their expensive consoles and console games, for one or two rare cards in return; he also lent professional decks to people instructed by him to go and level the tournaments, bringing all trophies back to his shop and giving them cash in return.

Such is the fate of "games". Anything goes pro, all sh*t, abuse, doping and exploitation happens.
Darvond: I'd love to play poker, but I've got nobody in the house to play it with.
I am also big lover of poker. Leave me a private message to play. Do you know any online website, i am right now following