Julius_Caesar420: My favorite is Conguest of the Longbow then Dark Seed then Kings Quest, I also liked space quest. police quest was nice also
Well, you seem to be rather into the Sierra style of adventure games, which I was never a fan of, but if it helps, here are some of my favorites:
Chains of Satinav and Memoria - two fantastic fantasy stories, with beautiful graphics and sensible puzzles. CoS might just be my favorite point & click of all time.
The Deponia series - 4 great, funny, silly games with nice, cartoon graphics. And, despite of the silliness, the puzzles almsot always make sense (although sometimes it's a very tricky, particular kind of "sense").
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - really feels true to the movies, the graphics hold up, the voice acting is mostly solid. The only downside is that the last act of the game features some really tedious mazes and the puzzles get a bit annoying at that point. Still, well worth playing.
The Journey Down - tremendously fun adventure in a unique setting with super likeable characters, nice music and sensible puzzles. Good voice acting, lots of humor.
Day of the Tentacle Remastered - next to the Monkey Island games probably the best of LucasArts. Funny, unique, and with puzzles that make sense rather than driving you crazy (like, say, The Dig or Full Throttle)
1954 Alcatraz - very unfairly overlooked game in my opinion. Good puzzles, godd story, and a setting and style not like most point & clicks - it's neither a comedy, nor a super-serious grimdark thriller but rather a fun pulpy noir sort of thing.