Posted February 01, 2016

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Turn based
Registered: Feb 2013
From Portugal
Posted February 01, 2016

I was told there would always be a bigger fish
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted February 01, 2016

As I said. Everything goes to shit.
Ok I'll elaborate. :)
There's the real material world and then there's another dimension consisting of pure energy that is affected by emotions from the material world. Also it's where souls go after death.
A thousand something before BC a group of shamans noticed souls wasn't being reborn from the warp (The immaterium. The energy dimension.). They gathered it was because the warp was in turmoil because of the constant violence everywhere. So they committed mass suicide, did a soul group hug in the warp and out from that plorped The Emperor into the material world. Dunno if he was born or what. He plorped into being and that have to do as an explanation.
Now he is vastly wise and powerful because all the shaman souls powers etc. Also he's a psyker which means he can manipulate warp energies into the material dimension.
His overall mission is to calm the warp again and make both dimensions safe for mankind.
So he didn't find much to do for millenniums as humankind trudged on. Got a golden age, explored and conquered the stars, invented a lot of nice stuff and had a grand time.
Until the warp started to go haywire. The way humanity travels between the stars is that they take brief shortcuts through the warp and when there are warp storms they cant do that. There were storms all over the place so humankinds empire crumbled. As a bonus suddenly there plopped up psykers everywhere that exploded all sorts of things and also acted as portals for the warps demons to get to the material world. Yeah the living races (Humanity ain't alone by a longshot in the galaxy.) had by now messed up the warp with all their twisted emotions that it got to be literally hell.
So everything went belly up and earth got back to some sort of Mad Max state.
"I gotta do something!" said The Emperor. So he became the meanest bastard on devastated Terra and created genetically modified supersoldiers to do that.
"What now?" he thought. Suddenly it dawned on him. "Let's go on the mother of all crusades! Whip the rest of the galaxy into shape with Humans as dictators!" :D
Humming by himself he created 20 Primarchs, superdupersoldiers to lead his supersoldiers. The genetically altered ones.
That was around 30,000 BC.
Chaos (That's what the warp powers/gods are called. There are a couple of them and they're ridiculously powerful and all want to do their own thing. The Emperor wants order and they want chaos.) teleported away the primarchs to random places in the galaxy.
The Emperor said "Fine I'll just play hide and seek then!", started the crusade and ran across a primarch here and there that he picked up.
Everything was going fine with the genocides, oppression, feudalism, planet destroying, vassal creation etc etc. Just your normal crusade in a whole lot of bigger scale.
Until Chaos corrupted a powerful primarch which backstabbed The Emperor by starting a civil war. Half the Empire fought the other half.
The Emperor won but was mortally wounded so they stuck him in a golden food dispenser and shit remover throne. There he sits unable to do anything at all and humankind and its empire are ruled by some lords that mostly get along. The Empire is made as inefficient as possible so no person can again get as much power as that backstabbing betrayer asshole. Which means that everything is tightly controlled, science is nonexistant because new inventions can be dangerous and so on. It's like Mad Max mixed with terminator (No AI. That's forbidden.) technology in all sorts of hellish environments like massive cities that are just apartments tucked onto factories or the like.
It's now 40,000 BC, everything is going backward with the society and various aliens and chaos thingies are attacking The Empire from everywhere. Grimdark.

Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted February 01, 2016
Any chance we'll see Dawn of War?

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted February 01, 2016
Post edited February 01, 2016 by Tarm

New User
Registered: Feb 2015
From United States
Posted February 01, 2016
It is a scifi setting with many common fantasy races in space. It is very dark and grim with no real good major factions and most of Humanity either ruled by the Imperium, AKA a regime that makes the worst RL nations look angelic by comparison or serving Chaos which as various gods who pretty much all love varying forms of nastiness.Human technology has been backsliding since long before the IMperium was formed so the older a ship, vehicle, or weapon is the better. The forces of Chaos use human, space marine units that defected during the civil war that split the Imperium and mortally wounded the Emperor, demons, demon possessed machines, and a lot of ship and vehicle types that the Imperium either can't make anymore because they no longer possess the nessecary technology or won't because the Imperium believes they are cursed, and since older is better many of these are one on one more powerful then modern models.
Oh and Hyperspace is literally Hell.
Oh and Hyperspace is literally Hell.

smeg head
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 01, 2016
It's about a fascist, brutal, all encompassing state being the lesser evil for mankind to choose. It's about defiance in the face of oblivion. It's about courage, and sacrifice, and extremism. It's about zealotry being the only counter for zealotry. It's about the long, drawn-out suicide of civilisation. And it's about aliens, demons, and genetically modified supermen kicking the crap out of each other.
It's about a fascist, brutal, all encompassing state being the lesser evil for mankind to choose. It's about defiance in the face of oblivion. It's about courage, and sacrifice, and extremism. It's about zealotry being the only counter for zealotry. It's about the long, drawn-out suicide of civilisation. And it's about aliens, demons, and genetically modified supermen kicking the crap out of each other.

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece
Posted February 01, 2016

It's about a fascist, brutal, all encompassing state being the lesser evil for mankind to choose. It's about defiance in the face of oblivion. It's about courage, and sacrifice, and extremism. It's about zealotry being the only counter for zealotry. It's about the long, drawn-out suicide of civilisation. And it's about aliens, demons, and genetically modified supermen kicking the crap out of each other.

Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted February 01, 2016
Simple. What happens when you let humans spread out into the galaxy? Yes, they start a war with everything including themselves. And yet continue to consume and multiply.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 01, 2016

It's about a fascist, brutal, all encompassing state being the lesser evil for mankind to choose. It's about defiance in the face of oblivion. It's about courage, and sacrifice, and extremism. It's about zealotry being the only counter for zealotry. It's about the long, drawn-out suicide of civilisation. And it's about aliens, demons, and genetically modified supermen kicking the crap out of each other.

you are required to own on gog
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico
Posted February 01, 2016
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War has to be here already. I have been playing it and it was awesome.
Post edited February 01, 2016 by Elmofongo

Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted February 02, 2016
I know whatever bible they have in Warhammer 40,000 has some pretty quotable lines.
"At every step you will hear the bones crumbling under foot, and maybe you shall hear the wind-blown voices of the dead — guiding you forward or leading you to your doom. Yes, my children, the way to the mountain is cruel and unforgiving. And of those who struggle their long lives, spending their energy and vigour in the climb, who then can taste the melt-water of the summit and say, 'Yes... yes it was worthwhile?'"
— First Book of the Astronomicon, Parables, Warhammer 40,000
"At every step you will hear the bones crumbling under foot, and maybe you shall hear the wind-blown voices of the dead — guiding you forward or leading you to your doom. Yes, my children, the way to the mountain is cruel and unforgiving. And of those who struggle their long lives, spending their energy and vigour in the climb, who then can taste the melt-water of the summit and say, 'Yes... yes it was worthwhile?'"
— First Book of the Astronomicon, Parables, Warhammer 40,000

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory