octoling: There are a few people there who I interacted with ages ago and they pop up in the chat tab under account. Can I remove these entries? Even blocking doesn't remove these entries.
Blocked users should stay at the very bottom of your contacts list, so unless you've got a very-very short list, they shouldn't be visible to you. It's not ideal, but unless/until GOG, or adaliabooks, offers an option/way to remove contacts, it's the best we can do to keep contacts out of sight.
rtcvb32: I'd like a download button to download all logs for everyone, or logs for a specific person. Hiding/removing someone from my chat list would be nice too.
I'd like to get my tens and tens of lost PMs back first, then get this feature to back them all up.
Had we had such an option, I'd have managed to back up my PMs in the very short time we had before the NAS rolled out, and wiped most of my exchanges off.
adaliabooks: I'm actually thinking of implementing something like this in my script but haven't got around to it yet.
What I wanted was a pop up with your chat history for the current contact as searching back through a conversation is really difficult, but it would be trivial to save the info in the pop up (just copy and paste) so it could serve multiple purposes.
This would be really great. Just one thing to keep in mind - I currently do it manually from within the Chat, but the formatting is not preserved, and I end up with a messy wall of text.