nianiania: Does the review system start at 0 or 1 stars? Or to phrase it better, when a game has 3 out of 5 stars in user reviews, does that mean 50% or 60%?
50%. As you cannot give 0 stars game ratings on GOG look better than they actually are (both the rating stars and the finer granulated rating numbers).
phaolo: 0 .. 00-19% abysmal-dreadful
1 .. 20-39% poor-subpar
2 .. 40-59% insufficient-mediocre
3 .. 60-74% sufficient-fine
4 .. 75-89% good-very good
5 .. 90-99% great-excellent
(btw I doubt real 0-stars games exist on Gog)
They do not exist as nobody can give a 0 star rating. So the lowest possible game rating on GOG is 1 star and the percentages on your list actually would be:
1 star: 0-12% abysmal-dreadful
2 stars: 13-37% ...
3 stars: 38-62% ...
4 stars: 63-87% ...
5 stars: 88-100% great-excellent
GOG's system still gives the user more choices to rate a game than the thumbs up/down only system on Steam. But not being able to give 0 star ratings somewhat mitigates that advantage and dresses up the results.