drmike: So I;m now sitting here waiting for the "No portion of the Internet is safe! It's always watched by the government! Big brother is real! Bill, Hillary and the rest of them are space lizards and Bernie is really a woodchuck!" folks to come out of hiding. I;m sure there's at least a few of them around here....
IwubCheeze: But it's true!!!
Barack Obama has a machine that changes the weather!!! Jet trails from airplanes are actually mind control chemicals. Nibiru is going to crash into the Earth in 2022!!! There are aliens from planet Zeta who only speak to me!!! NASA is just doctoring photos of other planets. and and and....NASA and government cover ups and .........stuff.
Oh, and the Earth is flat too.....
.....and I fart rainbows that smells like skittles........
Happy now? :)
Don't get me wrong, i think Alex Jones is out of his tree, but remember how we make fun of conspiracy theorists regarding wearing tinfoil hat to avoid mind control rays? You know, those people who believed government was trying to perform mind-control experiments?
Turns out they weren't completely nuts, just a little nuts. Do I think that CERN is full of Satan worshipers whom like to open up portals to the other side and commune with demons on how to destroy humanity? No. Do i think there might be one or two people working there who are totally hoping that it happens? Maybe. Do i think CERN is full of people who are in over their heads and could end up accidentally causing a major catastrophe? Maybe. Do I think CERN overestimates what they have accomplished and are capable of doing to get funding from people who think they're going to discover the other side (which probably doesn't exist)? Absolutely.
kotcore: Been using 4g for a few weeks from Thailand and had no issues, strangely the prices are still in USD while on that other place, lets call it hell, they are in Baht and regionally priced (still Not gonna buy there) i thought regional pricing was a Thing here too? Im Happy Not to exploit it, Just wondering.
One of gog's promises is not regionally pricing a game.