Marie99: I bought Brothers a tale of two sons for $5.69 and used the wallet funds of 30 cents, that made it $5.39 canadian. that's ok. But now i wanted to buy my daughter the same game and it says $6.19. How come I have to pay 20 cents more than $5.69 which is the sale in canadian funds without wallets funds?
Contact GOG support, sounds like a pricing bug see what solutions they offer.
Tauto: Looks like 40 cents more or am I wrong?
the same game and it says $6.19. How come I have to pay 20 cents more than $5.69
Try to be pleasant and get treated like shit and you wonder why I behave this way.And don't try to justify yourselves.
I up-voted you, I bare no ill will against you, you earned a plus in my book. It wont undo the works of others but hopefully you feel a bit better man.