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I would not let it go now. You got my word. I need it for myself, friends, family...

Do You want GOGmix back? you do! ^
gogmix.png (38 Kb)
Post edited August 30, 2022 by user deleted
No I don't.

Because the first erasure of the gogmix taught me it could happen again at any point. That's also why I don't write reviews. Won't invest time in something that would be obliterated on a whim any time. I'm generally already not fond of how websites function and make profit from user content, but when it's, in addition, treated like that, nope, won't give my time to this.
I agree.
Not sure why they still haven't been reimplemented. I didn't actually see them in action but they surely must have been highly effective in compelling to spend even more money on the other similar games on the mix lists.

Didn't they get scrapped because the mixes could also be used as black lists, indicating/marking games to avoid and NOT buy? Something like that one thread that keeps track of games with missing updates and content?

GOG could simply vet the mixes before they go public? People would still raise a stink, cry about their free speech being restricted and all that when their submission were to be rejected for obvious bad-for-business reasons, but that's when they could just open up a new thread on the forums for their black list to be seen by the public anyway.
GOG mixes would only be approved in a "white list" context while the forums would remain the outlet for anything "black list".
Right. So there is the element of anxiety and the element of unsureness.
Wishlists do not differ from GOGmix. I don`t want to make wishlists, I want to make GOGmix.
psychosopher: Do You want GOGmix back?
No, I absolutely do not!

On the contrary: I want to vote on a wishlist to keep GOG mix banned & abolished, as it should be.

While GOG mix was active, many users were using the titles of their GOG mixes in order to push political propaganda in support of their own ideologies.

And that propaganda became permanently plastered all of the bottom of this forum page, and other GOG webpages as well, which listed the propaganda titles of those GOG mixes, with no possible way to avoid seeing them.

When GOG mixes got deleted, all of that propaganda also got deleted, and it was no longer being forced upon all visitors to the GOG website, which was a great & glorious thing.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: (...)
Agree, it should be private and linkable stuff, and not the first-page visible thing like in the past.

ඃ We can use external programs like or (editable) (read-only)
ජ We can make Spreadsheets like
ම We can make lists on the forum,
or even links lists like this
we weeeee.... : )

So it does not convince me why not, only to fix it the right way.
Hotter fire please or bring back GOGmix ... please.
Post edited August 30, 2022 by user deleted
Indeed. And they even said they'll bring something like that sort of functionality back, albeit not the mixes as they were, and that didn't happen either.

As for Ancient-Red-Dragon's post and CMiq's suggestion of censorship... Just... wow. Just another example of why we can't have nice things. It's not those who call the shots, it's the regular people who're more to blame for allowing and even supporting it.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: While GOG mix was active, many users were using the titles of their GOG mixes in order to push political propaganda in support of their own ideologies.
JFC... I don't even know how to take this seriously. You think people were using game titles as political propaganda?!?

I can't even...
Post edited August 31, 2022 by BlueMooner
BlueMooner: You think people were using game titles as political propaganda?!?

I can't even...
I think the demons told him that...
psychosopher: OP
Unfortunately I did not have a chance to experience it, so please excuse my dumb question:
What does it make special/different compared to the alternatives also given?
(which I appreciate: They'll be useful to me sometime)

To the opponents: You may check the wishlist and vote/create wishes you consider could improve/fix it...
Looking for, you know, some sort of "an enhanced return" instead of a "return as it exactly was"
I see several already there that might align to the thoughts expressed
But as I mentioned yet, because I never used GOG mix, my opinion worths nothing

About the erasure risk, I totally agree: I've been here short enough
to witness multiple arbitrary decisions executed without the slightest opportunity
to challenge/oppose to them... Hell, not even to ask: Why!?
That carves a scar of cautious/limited attitude on this vgamers community
Not good at all and it reflects:
Just a matter to open the eyes a little more if wanted to measure the impacts...
No need of a late damage ,,remediation,, asking then for our opinions...
The idea is to grow this community, not to shrink it...
Ancient-Red-Dragon: While GOG mix was active, many users were using the titles of their GOG mixes in order to push political propaganda in support of their own ideologies.
BlueMooner: JFC... I don't even know how to take this seriously. You think people were using game titles as political propaganda?!?

I can't even...
I seem to remember that when gog got all gamergatey, there was a bunch of gogmixes with tedious "culture wars" criteria, for people wishing to promote or avoid "impure" games, guilty of featuring or not featuring this or that kind of themes or characters.

Lame, parasitic, but not worth ditching the gogmix concept. Also, not an issue as long as said criteria don't go against the c.o.c.'s values (gog could just moderate these like a forum). But also you know how "propaganda" is subjective...
tag+: Unfortunately I did not have a chance to experience it, so please excuse my dumb question:
What does it make special/different compared to the alternatives also given?
You did join before they were removed.
But what alternatives? The highest rated mixes a game appeared on were shown on its page (example). And you could go through mixes and find some with information you were interested in, with the author's notes (albeit really restricted in terms of size) and rating for each game. And with all on one page, so no need to worry about GOG's bad search like on the forum, just load the page and use your browser's search if you're looking for some specific games.
Sure, many were personal (had one too), as you can see on the side, but those wouldn't get enough votes to show up on a game page, though of course if anyone cared for the opinion of a specific other user they could bookmark their mix. But those making the game page tended to tackle something that was relevant for plenty, and while some have now gotten sort of a replacement through tags, that still doesn't allow for those comments and the ordering (and sometimes ordering was the point), and plenty still haven't (random stumble while looking now - hey, maybe you like (or hate) bunnies!).
Post edited September 01, 2022 by Cavalary
Telika: I seem to remember that when gog got all gamergatey, there was a bunch of gogmixes with tedious "culture wars" criteria, for people wishing to promote or avoid "impure" games, guilty of featuring or not featuring this or that kind of themes or characters.
I don't remember that at all. My complaint with the mixes was that I was never able to search for mixes, and even if I stumbled across one I liked, I couldn't find it again later.

I don't remember them appearing at the bottom of the screen either. I mean, this forum is just so broken in so many ways, so clunky and feature-lacking, that I guess I have no expectation of anything nice here. All these years and never even had a spoiler tag...
tag+: Unfortunately I did not have a chance to experience it, so please excuse my dumb question:
What does it make special/different compared to the alternatives also given?
Cavalary: You did join before they were removed.
But what alternatives? The highest rated mixes a game appeared on were shown on its page (example). And you could go through mixes and find some with information you were interested in, with the author's notes (albeit really restricted in terms of size) and rating for each game. And with all on one page, so no need to worry about GOG's bad search like on the forum, just load the page and use your browser's search if you're looking for some specific games.
Sure, many were personal (had one too), as you can see on the side, but those wouldn't get enough votes to show up on a game page, though of course if anyone cared for the opinion of a specific other user they could bookmark their mix. But those making the game page tended to tackle something that was relevant for plenty, and while some have now gotten sort of a replacement through tags, that still doesn't allow for those comments and the ordering (and sometimes ordering was the point), and plenty still haven't (random stumble while looking now - hey, maybe you like (or hate) bunnies!).
Wohoho! Thanks for the links! Now I get it better
I tought it was a page to create lists (with their own pictures if needed) but its features go beyond that...
so I agree: What alternatives? None. I apologize

It had a voting system, which allowed the popular ones to appear on the vgames pages, to be bookmarked, and I assume create as many as topics the user wanted to have...

Yeah, definitely I like it and just voted wishes to support the request!!

About why I did not notice it. After scratching my head and squeezing my brain:
Is a very colorful zone on the page to do not notice it, and I do not remember it at all.
So it must be because I avoided the bottom of the pages (reviews)...
There was a time when reviews were relevant to me (during ebusiness & amazn growth golden age)
then I totally averted them by fake/useless/excess...
If my cross deduction is right the switch happened sometime around 2011-15 when the boom of fake news, social networks, bots, brainless posts, etc entrenched so heavily on society and ebusiness evolved from some techie guys to the massive souless dull decadence-in-progress commerce we live

Therefore, by the time I came to GOG. I must have been looking for specific vgames titles & driven exclusively by my own steering wheel :)
Just to let you measure my hermit level, I started using this forum last year...

I really appreciate Cavalary the time and effort your poured on your reply :)
Thank you Tag+! Thank you all!... will just add that does not have to be named GOGmix it can be simply named Playlist right? Personalised playlists for everyone., with the option described above and the possibility to enhance its future. I joined in 2012 but I wasn't too active and lost my password this is my second account. (PM if need proof) I am stunned by (this link) posted by Cavalary, where some of the mixes have 800 to 2500 votes, haven't known that. We need this to thrive, share, and have fun again.
Post edited September 01, 2022 by user deleted