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john_hatcher: Where do draw the line? If 10% of games have drm? 50%? 80%? 99%?
For me, this is the reason why „100% drm free“ is the only solution.
Gersen: I don't think you were answering to me, given that it has nothing to do with my post.

But to answer your post the issue is not how much game have DRM or not but more what is DRM and DRM-free.

I don't think that Gog really became more lenient with what is DRM and DRM-free simply that the frontier is sometime blurry and that Gog decisions on what is DRM-free and what is not doesn't align with some more zealot vision that some peoples have.
You are right, I didn‘t mean to reply to your post, but I kind of f•cked that up.
Now I need to look for the right post.

Well, regarding your answer... I for one have some principles where, why and if I‘m buying in a store and GOG just do not fit my principles anymore. I don‘t know if there is a bigger plan behind the changes of GOG and I don‘t need to know that. I just take a look at my personal check list and then I buy or don‘t. Knowing GOG for some time, I don‘t believe that they make any plans and just go on a day by day basis with their business decisions.
low rated
john_hatcher: Where do draw the line? If 10% of games have drm? 50%? 80%? 99%?
For me, this is the reason why „100% drm free“ is the only solution.
GamezRanker: Let's face facts...because of people who buy blindly and others & things like corporate greed, DRM will likely continue to be the mainstay for a long time to come.

That's why (imo) it's better to be more "flexible" with bought games...for example, in many countries it is legal to strip out DRM from one's games.
exactly , thats why im not against drm here , i see it can bring more publishers which would make gog more competitive against steam hopefully resulting in more users and more users wanting drm-free stuff

most people don't care about drm-free until they won't be able to log in to steam and unable to play their bought games as a result
high rated
Yeah, I'm not spending any more money here until they either release Devotion or remove all instances of DRM on single-player games. Why should I support a company that cares neither about censorship nor even about its own stated mission of selling games without DRM? And no, I'm not buying games elsewhere either.
low rated
john_hatcher: Well, regarding your answer... I for one have some principles where, why and if I‘m buying in a store and GOG just do not fit my principles anymore. I don‘t know if there is a bigger plan behind the changes of GOG and I don‘t need to know that. I just take a look at my personal check list and then I buy or don‘t. Knowing GOG for some time, I don‘t believe that they make any plans and just go on a day by day basis with their business decisions.
Just wanted to say I commend you for sticking to your principles.
List updated to post #334

39 people boycotting. Thanks to everyone who has signed their name so far.
Post edited January 10, 2021 by Time4Tea
low rated
john_hatcher: . Knowing GOG for some time, I don‘t believe that they make any plans and just go on a day by day basis with their business decisions.
That is entirely possible.
Time4Tea: List updated to post #334

39 people boycotting. Thanks to everyone who has signed their name so far.
Count me in, please.
Time4Tea: List updated to post #334

39 people boycotting. Thanks to everyone who has signed their name so far.
Captainchicken84: Count me in, please.
Me too. Cheers.
Don't care too much about DRM, but situation around Devotion (and censorship as a whole), no official comments/statements, lies about their principles, false advertising, disregard of their customers... Enough is enough.

Add to this mess the bugged Cyberpunk launch, broken Galaxy launcher, unwillingness to fix the issues, silence from support (for month!), problems with refunds and their previous fails... Well, there is no need to ask others to boycott it — sooner or later most of the core supporters will abandon GOG by themselves.

But you can list me in, why not?


By the way, I've created this "wish" since there's no unvote feature on community wishlist — feel free to add your voices if you want:
Post edited January 10, 2021 by Amiko Novich
low rated
Amiko Novich: By the way, I've created this "wish" since there's no unvote feature on community wishlist — feel free to add your voices if you want:
Also people should leave a comment there as well.
(comments are just as important, if not more so, as they show REASONS for the votes. :))
Lifthrasil: I am under no illusion that this boycott would achieve anything to change GOG. For that the crowd of DRM-free enthusiasts is too small. GOG has chosen their path and it leads away from DRM-free and towards a lesser Steam clone.

But I don't see this boycott as penalizing myself. On the contrary, I would feel bad about supporting the direction GOG has taken with my money. For me the decision to spend all my gaming money here was, from the start, an idealistic one. I wanted to support the DRM-free platform. GOG has abandoned all their ideals, so I would feel bad to continue to support them.

Of course I would wish that more people think and act likewise. Then this would change something. I has worked in the past. But even without the hope that this might work again, for my own peace of mind, I will not continue to throw money at GOG. They simply don't deserve my support anymore and I have enough games in my backlog to last me two life-times.
Fair enough ... your choice. I just don't see it quite that black & white.

So I would like to point out that at this stage GOG are still around 99% DRM-Free, so while some things concern me and others annoy, I am not giving up on them yet ... especially as with the size of my library with them I have made a considerable investment in them now.

Maybe I am taking a gamble by buying more games from them, but each one is another one, and I tend to avoid their expensive offerings, and like you I have a huge collection of games now to see me through in any case.

So I complain when I feel it is necessary, and hope they listen at some level, and keep my fingers and toes crossed for the future. Just another one of life's risk management things.

I am getting much closer to the point where my game spending will be tapering off in any case. Just a few more games that I am hopeful GOG will get ... or the ZOOM Platform for that matter ... being DRM-Free and for a fair price are the important bits.

Perhaps with so many getting all stirred up lately, GOG will pull out a few stops and provide more of the games on wishlists here. That would be some positive out of the negative.
john_hatcher: . Knowing GOG for some time, I don‘t believe that they make any plans and just go on a day by day basis with their business decisions.
Yes, they do seem very adhoc and reactive much of the time ... perhaps not always thinking things through as much as they should be.

It also seems to me, that they are now listening to advisers, because financially things haven't been going all that great for them, from what I've seen, and relying on CDPR to provide for the shortfall much of the time, is not sound management after a certain point.

We all see it from our points of view, and some to be quite honest are expecting too much.
And GOG would have their point of view too, which would be more about survival, and even beyond that really, because if you aren't making enough profit, what is the point.

It's all very well to be idealistic, but that has to mesh with reality.
Post edited January 10, 2021 by Timboli
Timboli: We all see it from our points of view, and some to be quite honest are expecting too much.
Ironically, that's how I feel about these viewpoints:

Timboli: So I complain when I feel it is necessary, and hope they listen at some level, and keep my fingers and toes crossed for the future. Just another one of life's risk management things.


Perhaps with so many getting all stirred up lately, GOG will pull out a few stops and provide more of the games on wishlists here. That would be some positive out of the negative.

More to the point:

Timboli: And GOG would have their point of view too, which would be more about survival, and even beyond that really, because if you aren't making enough profit, what is the point.

It's all very well to be idealistic, but that has to mesh with reality.
I agree 100% with that.

Here's the thing. As GOG grows into a larger company and income becomes more and more important, I very much doubt they will be changing for the better (from the point of view embodied in this thread) unless they actually have the understanding that their survival depends on it to a significant extent. As it currently stands, I don't think they do, since they would be all over these forums trying to reconcile.

On the contrary, I think they will fall into the habit of ignoring this portion of their customer base, cutting little corners here and there, waiting until the new, corner-cut reality becomes the norm, and then repeating that process, gradually eroding the very things that once made GOG great and ultimately subverting the DRM-free movement and turning it into something else that is both inoffensive to publishers and blatantly anti-consumer. That's how it usually goes.

As was already stated by others, you have to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise you'll be waiting until there's hardly anything left to save. Personally I think it makes perfect sense to draw the line at going against your own promises, pledges and mission statement, lying to and ignoring your customers, and yielding to external pressures at the expense of your customers.
Post edited January 10, 2021 by Hexchild

I can't argue against any of your points. I admire you sticking to what you believe in and putting it up there for people to see.

I won't completely boycott GOG, but I now no longer go out of my way to buy here first. I ended up keeping my CP2077 copy, but it made me realize that CDPR isn't infallible.

In the end it's a matter of what you choose to do for what you believe in. I still prefer DRM free installers, so I'll still shop here. Taking all of my money elsewhere just facilitates GOG either closing or incorporating DRM to get higher profile releases here quicker, neither of which I want.

Like I said, I don't go out of my way to shop elsewhere, but I don't go out of my way to shop here first, either.
<dabs a perspirational forehead>

Chuffing Ada, just narrowly avoided buying the Barrow Hill games on here. Wondering if my Steam 'Lost Crown' will run off-line...

Big thanks to Timboli for the gogplus download checker, important work that's very much appreciated by us Gog Downloader fans.

Thank you to Time4Tea for the thread.

Been here since Witcher Two, love the forums, managed to contribute a little to gifting threads over the years.

Miss the likes of JudasEscariot & theEnigmaticT

No plans for purchasing again here.

Now I'm off to my first attempt at fully home-made Tiramisu, just to raise my spirits :)
Post edited January 10, 2021 by gloombandit