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I updated my list with two books I've read during last month. First was Coriolanus. From all Shakespeare's works I've read this one was least enjoyable for me so far.
I also finished my reread of I, Claudius, I really liked in my early teenage years. While it was still entertaining, it was only as half as good as I remembered it and writing was nothing special. Now I wonder if I should try to reread second part to satisfy my ocd or just skip it.
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tarzan's swinging along through his jungle when he finds a safari headed by two men, a nice young man who really just wants to take some photos and an old asshole. Tarzan basically says the young guy can move along as long he really just sticks to taking pictures, but the old guy has to be escorted out of the country because he's just there to hunt and be a racist. Then there's an Arab group wandering around searching for a fabled lost city that's supposed to be full of treasure. It turns out the lost city is real and is full of Crusaders who got lost in Africa 700 years before and they just ended up building new castles and maintaining their medieval way of life for all that time, assuming the Crusades were still happening and that the outside world is full of murderous Saracens. What ends up happening is that the young photographer falls into the Crusader kingdom and Burroughs sort of gives his take on "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", while his old partner ends up with the Arabs and they cause trouble for the good guys. Tarzan ends up spending much of the book on the periphery, acting more like a deus ex machina that pushes things to a happy resolution.

Although the plot is all over the place, it's a lot of fun and definitely an improvement over the last couple of Tarzan books. I think Burroughs probably started off thinking he was going to write a story about the safari guys conflicting with the Arabs, but then he threw in the lost city and was so taken with it that that it ended up taking up most of the story. There's a subplot about the sheik's kind-hearted daughter and her boyfriend being screwed over by the villains that seems like it was meant to be more important but develops into more of an afterthought. I get the feeling that Burroughs wasn't a guy who liked to write from detailed outlines...
I'm late for an update, so it will be a meaty update ^_^

The Fellowship of the Ring - The Two Towers - The Return of the King - J.R.R. Tolkien

Do I really need to introduce the author? Do I really need to explain the scenario? No, I don't think so, thank you. ^_^ But just to say that it was, it is still and it will probably ever be me favorite story ever. How many ties I've read them, I've lost track. How many times I wished I could live in the Middle-Earth instead of here and now, I've also lost track. As I've lost track of the hours I've sinked in the LOTRO MMORPG!

Condamner à mort au Moyen Âge - Claude Gauvard

Translated, the title would be something along "Sentencing to death in the Middle-ages". It is a solid academic work (non-fiction here) by one of the best french specialist of the Middle-Ages, in which she tells us how the death penalty was handled -or not- to convicted people, what meaning it had during the centuries and how this meaning evolved when the power of the king evolved. Not a very "funny" book, but really very interesting and well written. I hope this books has been or will be translated in other languages, it's worth a read, even if you don't have a PhD in Medieval History!

Les éléphants d'Hannibal - Robert Silverberg

Back to classic SF with one of the masters of the genre, in what is a collection of short stories with sometimes some insights from the author. The title remains in French because this collection is a French original and the same short stories haven't been collected like that in English for the moment.
Very good read. His style is very fluid and you can "enter" in the story immediately.

Ready Player One - Ernest Cline

Like many gamers I think, I rushed to see that movie in theaters, especially because it was Spielberg (never heard of Ernest Cline before). Like many also, maybe, I was left with a strange taste in my mouth: everything for the show, no depth at all, nothing like Spielberg had accustomed me to do as a film director... Too many visual references and a spastic rythm, as if the film, the cast, the crew and the director were on a LSD trip...
Fast forward several months later, I get a copy of the book. Knowing very well there can be some big differences between a book and the movie that has been made from the book, sometimes, I give it a try.
Best decision ever! The book is really good, the characters "exist" and the whole thing is far more interesting even if still packed with cultural references from the 80s and the 90s. But that time, as it's a book, you actually have the time to acknowledge them and appreciate them. And the ending is far better, I think.

So far in 2019:
Post edited November 02, 2019 by xa_chan
xa_chan: ...
Same for me! Thanks for your reviews!

★★★ Dark Matter / Michelle Paver

Great surprise. Amazing setting and atmosphere, perfect horror.

★☆☆ Sherlock Holmes - Odcienie Czerni / Adam Chyliński, Bartosz Szpak

This one was audiobook. Nicely done, but the story was sooo far behind books written by Artur Conan Doyle...

★★☆ The Ruins / Scott B. Smith

I liked it, but nothing more. Perhaps it would be better reading without watching the movie a few years ago.

★★★ Znaczy Kapitan / Karol Olgierd Borchardt
★★☆ The Whispers in the Dark / Jonathan Aycliffe
★★☆ Dom na Wyrębach / Stefan Darda
★☆☆ Nowy dom na Wyrębach / Stefan Darda
★★★ The Book of Trees / Piotr Socha
★★☆ Złowrogi cień Marszałka / Rafał A. Ziemkiewicz

List of all books read in 2019.
I just finished "The Big Show" by Pierre Clostermann. It was one of the best mémoires of any kind that I have ever read. Very well-written and touching with a "you are there" type of feeling. Highly recommended.

Elantris starts slowly, major developments relatively few and far between in its almost exclusively political first part. That led to me focusing on that aspect as well and noting when the author was unable to make characters as wise as quite clearly intended, even if overall that's another limitation that he works around better than most, or certain promoted concepts that I disagreed with, such as the low-level, everyday greed and selfishness that can be taken as the theoretical basis of capitalism or people assumed to find purpose in their jobs and needing to focus on them to be content and withstand pain and problems.
After the first part, however, much of that is ever more easily forgotten. The pacing likely also plays quite a part, the book growing and speeding up as it goes along, the structure itself reflecting that as well, with the second part having shorter chapters and the third having those shorter chapters split in sections that go from pages to paragraphs to even mere lines, switching points of view and portraying ever more significant events, ever more actual action, at an ever faster pace. Yet that's not only not at the expense of depth, but quite the contrary, the systems used, the important characters and, to some extent, the world becoming more fleshed out, more of their complexity being revealed, even though the fact that it's a single book does place obvious limitations on this.
While the path to a sequel is wide open and one has been announced, albeit as a lesser priority, Elantris stands well enough on its own, containing a complete story. And the additional material included in the edition I read, the author's comments, the deleted scenes and even the foreword, all of that does indeed add to its value.

Rating: 4/5
Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges, Translated by Andrew Hurley
I didn't know what to expect when I bought this book. This book consists of published short story collections in one volume;
A Universal History of Iniquity
The Aleph
The Maker
In Praise of Darkness
Brodie's Report
The Book of Sand
Shakespeare's Memory

Borges was a short story writer. He liked knife fights, labyrinths, dreams, mirrors and libraries. This book contains some references which the translator helpfully puts notes in the back of book. There was a couple of stories written like critical essay?, I found hard to read.
Stories I enjoyed:
Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
The Circular Ruins- I found it somehow alien and disturbing.
The Lottery in Babylon
The Library of Babel- this story inspired me to get this book, since I heard about it on the net.
Death and the Compass
Three Versions of Judas- I didn't know I liked heretical writiings.
The Immortal
The Sect of the Thirty
The Night of the Gifts
The Book of Sand
Overall, I usually don't like short stories, but I really enjoyed this book.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by DavidOrion93
★★★ Szaman morski / Karol Olgierd Borchardt
★☆☆ Czarna Madonna / Remigiusz Mróz

List of all books read in 2019.
I am a bit late to the party ... but as they say ..... :)

Please note, the number in square brackets is the total I have read by that author (since keeping a list).

HC = Hardcover. Pb = Paperback. PCF = PC file (ebook). TRA = Trade (large paperback).

UPPERCASE means novel.
Titlecase is a novella or short story (single ebook), or a short story from a book of them.

Starting with some begun prior to 2019, but either finished in 2019 or read some of during. Details of some appear in my next post.

3 - RAFAEL SABATINI [32] - HEROIC LIVES - HC - 7-Jan-09 --> 27-Apr-19
14 - SHAWN SPEAKMAN [01] - UNFETTERED - Tales By Masters Of Fantasy - PCF - 11-Mar-14 --> still reading
10 - TERRY BROOKS [06] - ISLE WITCH - Pb - DEC'18 --> 3-Feb-19
11 - MARTIN CLUNES [01] - A DOG'S LIFE - HC - 26-Dec-18 --> still reading
12 - ROBERT GALBRAITH (J. K. ROWLING) [04] [13] - LETHAL WHITE - TRA - 28-Dec-18 --> 10-Jan-19
1 - TERRY BROOKS [07] - ANTRAX - Pb - 3-Feb-19 --> 5-Feb-19
2 - TERRY BROOKS [08] - MORGAWR - Pb - 6-Feb-19 --> 10-Feb-19
3 - VAL McDERMID [06] - DISTANT ECHO, THE - PCF - 11-Feb-19 --> 14-Feb-19
4 - VAL McDERMID [07] - A DARKER DOMAIN - PCF - 15-Feb-19 --> 20-Feb-19
5 - SANDRA BROWN & C.J. BOX [01] & [28] - Honor & ... - PCF - 21-Feb-19 --> 21-Feb-19
6 - TERRY BROOKS [09] - RUNNING WITH THE DEMON - TRA - 22-Feb-19 --> 1-Mar-19
7 - TERRY BROOKS [10] - A KNIGHT OF THE WORD - HC - 2-Mar-19 --> 4-Mar-19
8 - TERRY BROOKS [11] - ANGEL FIRE EAST - TRA - 7-Mar-19 --> 12-Mar-19
9 - TERRY BROOKS [12] - Warrior - PCF - 14-Mar-19 --> 16-Mar-19
10 - C.J. BOX [29] - PARADISE VALLEY - PCF - 17-Mar-19 --> 21-Mar-19
11 - VAL McDERMID [08] - BENEATH THE BLEEDING - PCF - 22-Mar-19 --> 25-Mar-19
12 - VAL McDERMID [09] - DEAD BEAT - PCF - 25-Mar-19 --> 31-Mar-19
13 - TERRY BROOKS [13] - JARKA RUUS - Pb - 1-Apr-19 --> 5-Apr-19
14 - TERRY BROOKS [14] - TANEQUIL - Pb - 5-Apr-19 --> 9-Apr-19
15 - TERRY BROOKS [15] - STRAKEN - Pb - 9-Apr-19 --> 11-Apr-19
16 - AGATHA CHRISTIE [88] - ELEPHANTS CAN REMEMBER - Pb - 11-Apr-19 --> 12-Apr-19
17 - VAL McDERMID [10] - KICK BACK - PCF - 12-Apr-19 --> 15-Apr-19
18 - TERRY PRATCHETT [57] - A BLINK OF THE SCREEN - TRA - 15-Apr-19 --> 26-Apr-19
19 - C.J. BOX [30] - THE DISAPPEARED - PCF - 28-Apr-19 --> 30-Apr-19
20 - VAL McDERMID [11] - FEVER OF THE BONE - PCF - 30-Apr-19 --> 1-May-19
21 - TERRY BROOKS [16] - ARMAGEDDON'S CHILDREN - TRA - 2-May-19 --> 10-May-19
22 - TERRY BROOKS [17] - THE ELVES OF CINTRA - TRA - 10-May-19 --> 14-May-19
23 - TERRY BROOKS [18] - THE GYPSY MORPH - Pb - 14-May-19 --> 20-May-19
24 - VAL McDERMID [12] - THE RETRIBUTION - PCF - 24-May-19 --> 26-May-19
25 - VAL McDERMID [13] - CROSS AND BURN - PCF - 27-May-19 --> 29-May-19
26 - SHAWN SPEAKMAN [02] - UNFETTERED III - PCF - 30-May-19 --> currently reading
27 - V.L. McDERMID [14] - REPORT FOR MURDER - PCF - 14-Jun-19 --> 16-Jun-19
28 - TERRY BROOKS [19] - BEARERS OF THE BLACK STAFF - TRA - 17-Jun-19 --> 19-Jun-19
29 - TERRY BROOKS [20] - THE MEASURE OF THE MAGIC - Pb - 19-Jun-19 --> 21-Jun-19
30 - VAL McDERMID [15] - SPLINTER THE SILENCE - PCF - 22-Jun-19 --> 24-Jun-19
31 - GEORGE R.R. MARTIN [06] - A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS - PCF - 24-Jun-19 --> 27-Jun-19
32 - GEORGE R.R. MARTIN [07] - THE WORLD OF FIRE & ICE - PCF - 27-Jun-19 --> currently reading
33 - C.J. BOX [31] - WOLF PACK - PCF - 28-Jun-19 --> 2-Jul-19
34 - MARY RINEHART [1] - THE CIRCULAR STAIRCASE - PCF - 5-Jul-19 --> 10-Jul-19
35 - TERRY BROOKS [21] - THE FIRST KING OF SHANNARA - TRA - 14-Jul-19 --> 23-Jul-19 (re-read)
36 - TERRY BROOKS [22] - Allanon's Quest - PCF - 24-Jul-19 --> 24-Jul-19
37 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [1] - THE PROTOCOL - PCF - 24-Jul-19 --> 25-Jul-19
38 - AGATHA CHRISTIE [89] - POSTERN OF FATE - Pb - 26-Jul-19 --> 30-Jul-19
39 - TERRY BROOKS [23] - THE SWORD OF SHANNARA - Pb - 31-Jul-19 --> 9-Aug-19 (re-read)
40 - TERRY BROOKS [24] - The Black Irix - PCF - 10-Aug-19 --> 10-Aug-19
... 00 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY - The James Acton Thrillers Series: Books 1-3 (Omnibus) - PCF
41 (00.2) - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [2] - BRASS MONKEY - PCF - 10-Aug-19 --> 13-Aug-19
42 - TERRY BROOKS [25] - THE ELFSTONES OF SHANNARA - Pb - 16-Aug-19 --> 23-Aug-19 (re-read)
43 (00.3) - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [3] - BROKEN DOVE - PCF - 24-Aug-19 --> 25-Aug-19
44 - TERRY BROOKS [26] - The Weapons Master's Choice - PCF - 26-Aug-19 --> 26-Aug-19
45 - TERRY BROOKS [27] - THE WISHSONG OF SHANNARA - Pb - 26-Aug-19 --> 1-Sep-19 (re-read)
46 - TERRY BROOKS [28] - Indomitable - LEGENDS II - Pb - 1-Sep-19 --> 2-Sep-19
47 - TERRY BROOKS [29] - THE DARK WRAITH OF SHANNARA (Graphic Novel) - TRA - 2-Sep-19 --> 4-Sep-19
48 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [4] - THE TEMPLAR'S RELIC - PCF - 4-Sep-19 --> 7-Sep-19
49 - AGATHA CHRISTIE [90] - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - Pb - 7-Sep-19 --> 13-Sep-19
50 - TERRY BROOKS [30] - THE SCIONS OF SHANNARA - Pb - 13-Sep-19 --> 17-Sep-19 (re-read)
51 - TERRY BROOKS [31] - THE DRUID OF SHANNARA - Pb - 17-Sep-19 --> 22-Sep-19 (re-read)
52 - TERRY BROOKS [32] - THE ELF QUEEN OF SHANNARA - Pb - 23-Sep-19 --> 24-Sep-19 (re-read)
53 - TERRY BROOKS [33] - THE TALISMANS OF SHANNARA - Pb - 24-Sep-19 --> 27-Sep-19 (re-read)
54 - AGATHA CHRISTIE [91] - MISS MARPLE'S FINAL CASES - Pb - 29-Sep-19 --> 30-Sep-19
58 - V.L. McDERMID [16] - COMMON MURDER - PCF - 13-Oct-19 --> 14-Oct-19
... 00 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY - The James Acton Thrillers Series: Books 4-6 (Omnibus) - PCF
59 (00.2) - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [5] - FLAGS OF SIN - PCF - 15-Oct-19 --> 16-Oct-19
60 - ANDRZEJ SAPKOWSKI [1] - THE LAST WISH - TRA - 17-Oct-19 --> 23-Oct-19
61 - AGATHA CHRISTIE [92] - CURTAIN: POIROT'S LAST CASE - 24-Oct-19 --> 29-Oct-19
62 (00.3) - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [6] - THE ARAB FALL - PCF - 30-Oct-19 --> 1-NOV-19
63 - V.L. McDERMID [17] - FINAL EDITION - PCF - 5-NOV-19 --> 11-NOV-19
64 - H.Y. HANNA [1] - A SCONE TO DIE FOR - PCF - 11-NOV-19 --> 13-NOV-19
66 - AGATHA CHRISTIE [93] - SLEEPING MURDER - Pb - 16-NOV-19 --> 17-NOV-19
67 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [7] - THE CIRCLE OF EIGHT - PCF - 17-NOV-19 --> 20-NOV-19
68 - V.L. McDERMID [18] - UNION JACK - PCF - 20-NOV-19 --> 22-NOV-19
69 - H.Y. HANNA [2] - DEADHEAD AND BURIED - PCF - 23-NOV-19 --> 25-NOV-19
72 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [8] - THE VENICE CODE - PCF - 9-DEC-19 --> 15-DEC-19
73 - VAL McDERMID [19] - CRACK DOWN - PCF - 17-DEC-19 --> 21-DEC-19
... 00 - CRAIG A. FALCONER - The Contact Trilogy: Books 1-3 (Omnibus) - PCF
74 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [1] - NOT ALONE - PCF - 21-DEC-19 --> 10-JAN-20
Post edited November 28, 2021 by Timboli
Here are the promised details for some of the previous post, just to make things clearer.

3 - RAFAEL SABATINI [32] - HEROIC LIVES - HC - 7-Jan-09 --> 27-Apr-19
3-1 Rafael Sabatini ... Lionheart - HEROIC LIVES 7-Jan-09 --> 7-Jan-09
3-2 Rafael Sabatini ... The Bridegroom Of Poverty - HEROIC LIVES 12-Jul-09 --> 14-Jul-09
3-3 Rafael Sabatini ... Joan The Maid - HEROIC LIVES 7-Oct-09 --> 9-Oct-09
3-4 Rafael Sabatini ... Sir Walter Ralegh - HEROIC LIVES 15-Apr-19 --> 15-Apr-19
3-5 Rafael Sabatini ... Vice-Admiral, Lord Nelson - HEROIC LIVES 23-Apr-19 --> 23-Apr-19
3-6 Rafael Sabatini ... The Lady-In-Chief - HEROIC LIVES 27-Apr-19 --> 27-Apr-19
NOTE - A return to reading the second half of the book, after just over 10 years. LOL

14 - SHAWN SPEAKMAN [01] - UNFETTERED - Tales By Masters Of Fantasy - PCF - 11-Mar-14 --> still reading
14-1 Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson ... River Of Souls - UNFETTERED 11-Mar-14 --> 11-Mar-14
14-2 Terry Brooks ... Imaginary Friends - UNFETTERED 21-May-19 --> 21-May-19
14-3 Terry Brooks ... Walker And The Shade Of Allanon - UNFETTERED 23-May-19 --> 23-May-19

10 - TERRY BROOKS [06] - ISLE WITCH - Pb - DEC'18 --> 3-Feb-19
NOTE - A return to reading Terry Brooks after a 19 year gap.

26 - SHAWN SPEAKMAN [02] - UNFETTERED III - PCF - 30-May-19 --> currently reading
26-1 Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson ... A Fire Within The Ways - UNFETTERED III - 30-May-19 --> 14-Jun-19

31 - GEORGE R.R. MARTIN [06] - A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS - PCF - 24-Jun-19 --> 27-Jun-19
31-1 George R.R. Martin ... The Hedge Knight - KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS - 24-Jun-19 --> 24-Jun-19
31-2 George R.R. Martin ... The Sworn Sword - KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS - 25-Jun-19 --> 26-Jun-19
31-3 George R.R. Martin ... The Mystery Knight - KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS - 27-Jun-19 --> 27-Jun-19

35 - TERRY BROOKS [21] - THE FIRST KING OF SHANNARA - TRA - 14-Jul-19 --> 23-Jul-19 (re-read)
NOTE - I read this book 19.5 years ago and don't recall much going in, and it remained that way to the end ... very odd.

39 - TERRY BROOKS [23] - THE SWORD OF SHANNARA - Pb - 31-Jul-19 --> 9-Aug-19 (re-read)
NOTE - No idea when I last read this book, but perhaps it was only once and therefor in my late teens, some 40+ years ago. My more detailed records go back to around September '92, but were not truly accurate until May '93 and after. Any reading of the book predates those periods. In fact, I didn't read the next Terry Brooks novel until September '94, which was The Scions Of Shannara. The fact that I didn't re-read The Sword Of Shannara around that time as a refresher, tallies with me relying on my memory, which I always thought was pretty good back then with stories. But it may also be that I had reread it some years earlier, and felt the memory still strong enough ... certainly to avoid wasted time with another reread. Generally I was always hungry to read the next great book, and I would need significant motivation to waste time on a reread. I have never been one to reread even a brilliant book, in a short space of time, having felt I have pretty much taken it all in, minor elements perhaps aside. Then again, I would sometimes skim through a book, here and there to assist with memory, and perhaps reread part of the last chapter ... all done in less than half an hour, before starting the new book I was keen to read. In my earlier records, I only noted if I had read a book, not when and no grading was ever given ... at that point, I thought my memory was sufficient. There was also greater differences between the books I read back then ... now we have many more books in the same genres, and many seem very similar after a while ... at least for recalling.
INTERESTING EXTRA - By the look of it, this is a first edition paperback, and right in the middle is a color poster, folded in half to fit, which is a Brothers Hildebrandt picture of the questing party.

47 - TERRY BROOKS [29] - THE DARK WRAITH OF SHANNARA (Graphic Novel) - TRA - 2-Sep-19 --> 4-Sep-19
NOTE - I have a few reasons for re-reading The Shannara Trilogy. One for sure, is so the later written short stories I hadn't read, could be read properly in context. One of the other reasons, is so I could read it one more time, before getting the visuals of the TV series in my head. With so many other books in my library to read, and a limited lifespan, I doubt I will ever read the trilogy again. Another, is to get the context of the series within the broader series, especially now that it is finishing up for the most part. Especially as 40 years is a long time to remember much of something, and older age doesn't help.

49 - AGATHA CHRISTIE [90] - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - Pb - 7-Sep-19 --> 13-Sep-19
49-1 Agatha Christie ... The Affair At The Victory Ball - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 7-Sep-19 --> 8-Sep-19
49-2 Agatha Christie ... The Adventure Of The Clapham Cook - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 8-Sep-19 --> 8-Sep-19
49-3 Agatha Christie ... The Cornish Mystery - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 9-Sep-19 --> 9-Sep-19
49-4 Agatha Christie ... The Adventure Of The Johnny Waverly - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 9-Sep-19 --> 9-Sep-19
49-5 Agatha Christie ... The Double Clue - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 10-Sep-19 --> 10-Sep-19
49-6 Agatha Christie ... The King Of Clubs - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 10-Sep-19 --> 10-Sep-19
49-7 Agatha Christie ... The Lemesurier Inheritance - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 11-Sep-19 --> 11-Sep-19
49-8 Agatha Christie ... The Lost Mine - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 11-Sep-19 --> 11-Sep-19
49-9 Agatha Christie ... The Plymouth Express - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 12-Sep-19 --> 12-Sep-19
49-10 Agatha Christie ... The Chocolate Box - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 12-Sep-19 --> 12-Sep-19
49-11 Agatha Christie ... The Submarine Plans - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 12-Sep-19 --> 12-Sep-19
49-12 Agatha Christie ... The Third-Floor Flat - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 12-Sep-19 --> 12-Sep-19
49-13 Agatha Christie ... Double Sin - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 12-Sep-19 --> 12-Sep-19
49-14 Agatha Christie ... The Market Basing Mystery - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 13-Sep-19 --> 13-Sep-19
49-15 Agatha Christie ... Wasps' Nest - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 13-Sep-19 --> 13-Sep-19
49-16 Agatha Christie ... The Veiled Lady - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 13-Sep-19 --> 13-Sep-19
49-17 Agatha Christie ... Problem At Sea - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 13-Sep-19 --> 13-Sep-19
49-18 Agatha Christie ... How Does Your Garden Grow? - POIROT'S EARLY CASES - 13-Sep-19 --> 13-Sep-19
NOTE - After reading her books in the order she wrote them, I am on the cusp of reading her final one. This includes those she wrote as Mary Westmacott, and the fact I had read a number of her books, before starting again at the beginning ... in fact I think I have read her last one before.

NOTE - For both the two J. ROBERT KENNEDY omnibuses, I also had the first novel of each as a separate single ebook, and read those instead of the omnibus one.
Post edited November 11, 2019 by Timboli
I updated my post with books I finished since my last update:
The Tenant by Roland Topor - I liked it, but sometimes the humour was too rough for me
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter by Richard P. Feynman - absolutely loved it
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut - I liked it, but I think it's overrated
Hunting Harkonnes by Brian Herbert - it was ok, bit simplistic, but for a short story there was a lot of things happening.
The Twenty Days of Turin by Giorgio De Maria - cool weird soft-horror story
Narrenturm by Andrzej Sapkowski - I liked it much more than Witcher, even though the main character is annoying
Tales by Hovhannes Tumanyan - Armenian fairy tales are awesome, full of con-artists and weird plots.
Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina by Robert Graves - my ocd has won, so I read once more how Claudius got cucked.
Zwrotnice dziejów. Alternatywne historie Polski by Andrzej Chwalba and Wojciech Harpuła - it was almost 5-stars read, but in some cases alternative history scenarios were too optimistic for the sake of making a point
Roadside picnic by Strugatsky brothers - It had its issues, but I really liked it.
entroumi: Narrenturm by Andrzej Sapkowski - I liked it much more than Witcher, even though the main character is annoying
I also read that trilogy (the German translation is much better than the translation of The Witcher, IMO). I really didn't like the main character (although he gets a bit better in the later books), but my biggest gripe is the lack of a proper story arc. Sapkowski wrote some amazing scenes and the melding of historical events (from my region even) and mythology and folk lore is great, but on the whole I had the feeling it didn't all come together well.
Exhalation 5/5
The True Bastards 4/5
Jade War 4/5
A Little Hatred 5/5
Nice numbers there. And thorough record keeping too :)
Cavalary: Nice numbers there. And thorough record keeping too :)
Ha ha ha yep ... a bit over the top to most people no doubt.
I've been doing it for a long time, but it was pretty basic in the beginning.
Eventually over time I thought why not do it properly, as sometimes I wished I had kept more detail ... especially as I got older, and my memory had to cope with more books, especially in some genres where they can often blend together

My full record also includes a word rating (i.e. Bad, Ok, Good, Very Good, Great, Excellent, Splendid, Magnificent, Superb). This is also why I list short stories, because each gets a rating and the book an overall average of those, depending on each short story length etc.
Post edited November 12, 2019 by Timboli