Faenrir: That's like, your opinion, man !
Insulting a whole generation is a pretty dumb thing to do, you know. And i'm not a youngster, i'm 33 years old, have started playing games on my Amstrad-cpc 64 so...yeah.
I'm guessing you tried D3 for 10 minutes, decided in your tiny brain that you didn't like it, and never played it again.
Honestly, he's not worth the effort.
rtcvb32: Maybe something to comment on. TotalBiscuit has said that Blizzard does something basically insane for their games; Namely when they put a game out they are competing with themselves, and often cannibalize their previous titles.
Which isn't really insane when you think about it. Apple adopted a similar strategy for the iPod and uses it to market their portables as well as the iPad and iPhone. Your product
is going to have a limited life span -- that's just as true for multiplayer games as it is for boutique/trendy consumer hardware -- so who better to take up the customers you'll be losing when your products decline than you yourself? Cannibalizing your own market may not make much sense if you haven't carved out a dedicated niche for yourself, or garnered a loyal fanbase, but Blizzard not only has these two qualities... they've also diversified their revenue base by having not one but three blockbuster franchises that are dependable moneymakers.
Put another way, if WoW were lose all of their subscribers next year to another game, Blizzard would much rather lose them to World of StarCraft of World of Overwatch or whatever their next great MMORPG is going to be, rather than lose them to a game like Guild Wars 2, or SWTOR.
rtcvb32: and Starcraft 1 last i heard is VERY popular in Korea... but not so much in the US anymore.
People still play SC1 in the multiplayer gaming scene, but it was quickly supplanted by SC2, but LOL (and to a lesser extent DOTA2) are now the dominant game played by the kiddies in the PC rooms.