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Black Friday in Latin America is also called "Black Fraud". Big scams (such as 500 usd tvs on wednesday/700 on thursday/30% off by friday = 500 usd again) from your favorite retailers!!

I can't even... I mean... you people and your 1st world problems... tsc tsc :P
We're living in a modern Dante's Inferno in here. With neon. Yep.
It's spreading everywhere, not just Germany. Last year a mate sent me a video of people trampling each other trying to get into a store. Makes you lose what little faith in humanity you still have.
blotunga: In Romania we had Black Friday all month long. Don't ask...
That's one loooong Friday. I hope the weekend is double as much.
Siegor: It's spreading everywhere, not just Germany. Last year a mate sent me a video of people trampling each other trying to get into a store. Makes you lose what little faith in humanity you still have.
At least now they are devastating stores instead of each other.
infinite9: Alles Gute zum Schwartz Freitag!
Naszrador: I don't want to nitpick(so why am I doing it?) but it's "Schwarzer Freitag". Oder "der Schwarze Freitag". I know we have dumb grammar rules, but that's how it is. And there never is a "tz" in schwarz.
I figured something like that. I was originally going to write "Schwarzen Freitag." It's been a long time since I took German classes and that was in high school.
may the schwartz be with you
Even our local supplier for bagpipe materials has a "Black Friday Sale" now. Wtf?
Wasn't Halloween already enough cultural perversion?
I preferred the traditional "Martinssingen" where the children actually did something for the stuff and didn't just threaten random people at their own homes.
Make it stop! Those American customs are the worst.
Post edited November 26, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Klumpen0815: Even our local supplier for bagpipe materials has a "Black Friday Sale" now. Wtf?
Wasn't Halloween already enough cultural perversion?
I preferred the traditional "Martinssingen" where the children actually did something for the stuff and didn't just threaten random people at their own homes.
Make it stop! Those American customs are the worst.
lol resistance is futile lol (cheesy action movie music) dadadadada `murica, fuck yeah!
I don't care much about particularly named sales days (but so do many people from the US too as can be seen here) but I like some foreign traditions.

Because of a Canadian friend we made for the last years some Thanksgiving party and it was always good. He is an ace in preparing a turkey. And once we even kind of celebrated Hanukah. And anyway, if there are german style christmas markets all over the world why not taking things from other nations. And once in my life I would like to go and see the carneval in Rio.
Also dont care about black friday/Cyber Monday sales
Im sure theres a lot of stuff bought on that day which is already forgotten or thrown into garbage three months later.
I even had read a long article about that (Spiegel or Focus maybe) where it was claimed that a lot of amazon and others "bargains" looks only good cause they compare to the normal old Retail price (UVP) instead of actual street price. Compared to normal street price its a "standard price" found also several times throughout the whole year.
Klumpen0815: Even our local supplier for bagpipe materials has a "Black Friday Sale" now. Wtf?
Wasn't Halloween already enough cultural perversion?
I preferred the traditional "Martinssingen" where the children actually did something for the stuff and didn't just threaten random people at their own homes.
Make it stop! Those American customs are the worst.
What I really hate is the Halloween which is exactly on the day of the Reformation which is a big holiday here (no Slovene language without it) and then off course its directly before the All Saint's day (or the Day of the Dead) when we remember all the deceased family members and friends on the cemeteries.

Afterall the children here already have traditional fasching so we don't need Halloween since its kind of unnecessary.
Post edited November 27, 2015 by Matruchus
Klumpen0815: Even our local supplier for bagpipe materials has a "Black Friday Sale" now. Wtf?
Wasn't Halloween already enough cultural perversion?
I preferred the traditional "Martinssingen" where the children actually did something for the stuff and didn't just threaten random people at their own homes.
Make it stop! Those American customs are the worst.
Matruchus: What I really hate is the Halloween which is exactly on the day of the Reformation which is a big holiday here (no Slovene language without it) and then off course its directly before the All Saint's day (or the Day of the Dead) when we remember all the deceased family members and friends on the cemeteries.

Afterall the children here already have traditional fasching so we don't need Halloween since its kind of unnecessary.
Full ack - Q: you have really a "Fasching"?
Its also called this in german - and yes i also believe this should be enough for the year.
If i would be in US at vacation im pretty sure i would also celebrate halloween, cause for the tradition.
But here in central europe its more or less once more a day where sales can be generated.
mcleodone: Full ack - Q: you have really a "Fasching"?
Its also called this in german - and yes i also believe this should be enough for the year.
If i would be in US at vacation im pretty sure i would also celebrate halloween, cause for the tradition.
But here in central europe its more or less once more a day where sales can be generated.
Yes, we do have Fasching or as we call it here Fašenek in our local dialect. Officially Slovene its called pust (basically Carnival/Fasching translated). Its always 47 days before easter if i'm not mistaken. Its a very old tradition.
infinite9: Alles Gute zum Schwartz Freitag!
Naszrador: I don't want to nitpick(so why am I doing it?) but it's "Schwarzer Freitag". Oder "der Schwarze Freitag". I know we have dumb grammar rules, but that's how it is. And there never is a "tz" in schwarz.
"May the Schwartz be with you!" ^^
Mr. D™: And for me there are two reasons to reject this: first it promotes mindless shopping of "next years landfill", and second it is a historic term, the black friday of the stock market crash in october 1929, the same shit that we experienced in 2007/2008, for anyone that might forgot that.
But that fits perfectly, prices tumble