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We are holding a special contest to celebrate the release of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain!

Join in by simply getting creative and coming up with a new armor set and weapon for Kain to slay his enemies with, and let us know about it in the comments.

The 15 best answers will win a GOG key for the game. You can submit your answers until October 7th, 3 PM UTC.
Well, if he had armor made up of interlocking blue plastic blocks that were the color of the ocean, and if the plastic was made of recycled materials derived from sugar production, he could have the Lego Sea of Cane.

I guess.
Hitman Armor: A sweet tuxedo suit that gives you complete invulnerability against your enemies - if you manage to get an internet connection. If you happened to be offline, it will only gives your head a bald patch.

Sword of 47: A silver sword that can instantly kill any enemy - provided you register an account for an obscure site in a faraway European land. Otherwise it just gives your enemies a little cut. But you know what they said about death inflicted by a thousand cuts...
Bloodbriar armor: a horrfic cursed plant slowly grows on the vampire's body, feeding on spilled blood of both its master and his enemies. For every drop, the briarthorn grows larger, stronger and with more spikes, all empowered by the cursed vampire life force and the high quantity of iron. Eventually, merely touching his posessor will be like diving in razors, and the undead body will be able to absorb the life force of the unfortunate fools who decided to fight rather than fleeing.

Hematokinetic sword: why bothering to bring a weapon with you when you have full control of blood? Shape it as you want, knowing that each wound inflicted will make it stronger. Its dimensions and shape vary based on its wielder's blood manipulation ability an it can be consumed for regeneration in case of emergency, draining part of its power.
The only required part is a tubular hadle to allow the flow of liquids in both directions.
Post edited September 30, 2021 by Red Fury
(Please read in Simon Templeman's voice!)
Malek's Armor:
"Once belonging to the disgraced Malek, I can now wear his once holy armor, and corrupt it further with my own powers; its appearance now changed, to a tangle of metal spikes and Serafan motifs. Besides shielding me from attacks, Malek's rage driven spirit is encased within the suit, which will be momentarily released, yet remain enslaved to my will, if I am ever in danger of being slain; a ghostly parody of the wretched Malek makes its presence known, and will attempt to kill my enemies, as they appear to be echoes and shadows, of his most hated of enemies, Vorador. A fitting fate for a sad dog, to be set upon the adversaries of his new master."

Hammer of the Pillars of Nosgoth:
"It is said that in ages past, a blacksmith of great renown, attempted to usurp the powers of the Pillars; alas, his desperate enterprise did not last for long, as he disappeared in the immediacy of the Nine's grounds, never to be seen again. The only thing left of his fever dream, was the hammer he was wielding at the time of his vanishing; its bizarre and baroque metal head, pulsing with red malice. It is this weapon that I now hold in my hands, that allows me to create a torrent of pillars, if I feed it my own magical essence; not only can these recreations of the real Pillars crush my enemies to dust, but they can also impede their movement, as the poor fools try to find a way around the pillars that remain temporarily erect. A fitting weapon, for the true ruler of the Nine Pillars of Nosgoth."
How about Bat Armor? It has a lot of useful gadgets and fits thematically since Kain can turn into a bat swarm.
Mark IV Maximus power armor and a chainsword. Because everything can be improved by adding a little Warhammer 40,000 flavor to it.
If nature taught us anything, a wasp armor with a stinger for a weapon should at least signal danger for anyone who approaches. I mean, come on, give people a chance to run away at least.
For the sword I would have a long sword with a black hilt studded with small rubies and a small werewolf tooth on the base of the blade. It would have a long, ruby blade with a circle cut out halfway up the blade which would contain a small glass vial, in which the blood from his victims goes for him to consume later.

For the armour, I would have a large suit of black metal armour with the werewolf's skull as a helmet. It would also have pauldrons constructed from other werewolf bones. This armour (fitting with the theme, I guess) would have a large ruby in the center. The gauntlets would also have werewolf teeth attached, as a backup weapon.

Attached below is a 2 minute sketch of what the sword would, roughly, look like.
Tiki Armor - like from Terraria. He can have little vampiric minions doing his dirty deeds.
Armor of Magical Teeth - Any attack from an enemy causes the armor to magically bite an opponent. For example: attack with an arm swinging a sword, then the arm of the opponent's gets bitten. All bites recover damage the opponent and all damage is recovered as health for Kain.

Morphing Bat Sword - This magical sword can fly like a bat all around, as it has been merged with a bat and its soul. Besides using it as a usual sword to stab opponents, this sword can magically turn into a bat. It can fly around, swoop down, fly towards opponents, etc etc. When near an opponent, it'll turn back into a sword - in which it can fly into enemies and stab them; swoop down at an angle on enemies and impale them; hang upside down as a bat in parts of a cave and drop down on an enemy and stab them and/or cut them in half; etc etc.
Bram Stoker Dracula's Armor, the one with a horned helmet, and the sword he uses to pierce the cross in the introduction.
With his difficulty covering his face from commoner why not a set of armor that will help him shapeshift into items like an urn or a giant chicken statue. No that's not suspicious nosirre!

Also the sword paired with it is a short sword that when poked at people immediately made them lose interest at the wearer of said armor and sword. so it was like

"Oh, what a weird statue, I want to see clo-"


"Oh I forgot to turn my stove off, also why is my abdomen bleeding?"

I will call the set "Nothing suspicious here go away"
Post edited October 01, 2021 by RedRagan
Mortanius' Blade:
Though not as infamous nor enigmatic as the Soul Reaver, this scythe has nevertheless reaped its fair share of souls in the service of the Guardian of Death.

Spectral Armor:
Unlike the Wraith Armor which places the wearer in a state of limbo, this armor fully plunges my body into the spectral realm, rendering me impervious to all physical attacks. The catch? I'm as vulnerable as a newborn babe to any spell or curse.

It redirects all damage into the Spectral and Demon Realms, essentially making its wearer impervious to all attacks. The catch, however, is that the denizens of both realms are not too happy about it and periodically harass the wearer of this armor, their attacks completely unaffected by the armor.


The possessor of this eerie weapon is able to kill any single individual in the future with a single blow. Still, the weapon is unpredictably hard to control and every strike sends its wielder randomly through time. Be it past, present, future or alternate variation thereof.
Post edited October 01, 2021 by Fusion_of_Souls
A titanium armor, made of plastic.

Oh and a weapon too, ummm... a toothbrush? Sorry that's the best I could come up with in such a short notice.
Post edited October 01, 2021 by timppu