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Still have Chronicles of Riddick and System Shock 2 available.

Edit: System Shock 2 still left.
Post edited November 17, 2015 by Matruchus
Hi matruchus,
i'll be pleased to have : Chronicles of Riddick


Matruchus: Still have Chronicles of Riddick and System Shock 2 available.
artakserkso: ...
Solved the riddle, redeemed The Chronicles of Riddick. Two SS2s (including the original code, of course) still in play.
And thanks again to artakserkso. :)
HAVE: Chronicles of Riddick

Edit: Gone
Post edited November 17, 2015 by brdobat
artakserkso: ...
helpo1: Solved the riddle, redeemed The Chronicles of Riddick. Two SS2s (including the original code, of course) still in play.
And thanks again to artakserkso. :)
congrats on solving that riddle
Enebias: I still

a System Shock 2 code, if anyone is interested.
Aisujin: if you still have that ss2 code i'm interested
please and ty in advance :)
Code successfully sent, enjoy! :)
I also still have a SS2 code. First come first served.
And when you think that System Shock 2 is on majority of the classic lists...
brdobat: HAVE: Chronicles of Riddick

Reply to this post and I'll send you the code.
Hello. Might I ask for it, if you still have it? :)
Thanks for your kindness.
hmm.. I think that I still have system shock 2.. If anyone wants that. Post me and then i will check and see how full of shit I was but there is a good change that it is still working.
brdobat: HAVE: Chronicles of Riddick

Reply to this post and I'll send you the code.
vsr: Hello. Might I ask for it, if you still have it? :)
Thanks for your kindness.
PM sent. Enjoy your game! :)
Post edited November 17, 2015 by brdobat
vsr: Hello. Might I ask for it, if you still have it? :)
Thanks for your kindness.
brdobat: PM sent. Enjoy your game! :)
Thanks again! Received and redeemed. :)
I still have System Shock 2, Chronicles of Riddick and Banished free to give away! :)
Nymes: I still have System Shock 2, Chronicles of Riddick and Banished free to give away! :)
I'd love Banished, if you still have it, please
HAVE System Shock 2

Anyone still interested?