DoW1 Dark Crusade, probably.
DoW1 vanilla was ok, but you can only play space marines in the campaign.
DoW1 Winter Assault had this weird system where you can switch between factions in one of the later campaign levels, which was pretty janky
Soulstorm just felt wrong to me. Idk why, but it felt like an inferior Dark Crusade
Space Marine was a nice brawler, but it was too short and the last boss fight was a QTE, which was lame.
Final Liberation was ok for its time. Its a bit dated now, and they never got around to adding the other factions, but it did have some nice FMVs and its not often you get to see titans in action.
I could never get into Chaos Gate. Didn't feel right to me. Ufo Defense had better gameplay, and the fact that you had extremely limited forces made it pretty tedious.
I didn't like the game play of DoW2; there was hardly any building, and the retreat option feels way too powerful.
Most fights go like - mass troops around objective, press x to retreat with hardly any losses. It felt like a slog
Not to mention that the Campaign for Retribution was just all of the factions copy and pasted. Play one campaign and you played them all.
Post edited May 26, 2017 by CthuluIsSpy