terrorclaw143: So I'm trying to look into more of the retro side of PC gaming nowadays. I do not mind more "modern" titles,
All the ones you mentioned are games I've played and consider them to be some of my favorites.
Since you mentioned that you don't mind more modern titles. Have you tried any of these games?
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - (Action RPG, reminds me of Diablo 2)
Grim Dawn - (Action RPG)
Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition - (Turn-based RPG) (I'm currently playing this one)
Torchlight II - (Action RPG)
All these games as far as I know have multiple modes for casual players to those that want a higher challenge, except maybe Torchlight 2, which is pretty easy going anyway.
Some older games that I consider fun classics (all are basically RPGS):
Darkstone -
Evil Islands - (from same people that released Rage of Mages)
The Temple of Elemental Evil - (Temple Plus mod is a must for me though)
There are plenty of other good ones and I see people listed some already. And believe me, I was in a slump not too long ago myself. I get that way when it comes to reading my eBooks too. I think maybe I overdo it, instead of taking a nice long break in-between every now and then lol.