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Get ready for some fun gaming experience with 3 new titles that are coming soon on GOG.COM:

· Hyperviolent
· Kapital: Sparks of Revolution
· Reverie Knights Tactics

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Solid future additions, all three of them.
Hyperviolent - mix of System Shock, Doom and Descent? If graphics weren't a complete crap, I would say this is the best game ever!
low rated
Kapital looks very interesting and Hyperviolent could be fun as well, even though it just screams: Descent out loud, or because of that. Some trashy shooter once in a while never hurts.
Looks interesting.
Heck does Hyperviolent need ridiculous 8GB of RAM for though? It looks less than games that required like, two-three thousand times less RAM than it does, not next gen Crysis. And even Crysis required mere 1GB and ran well on something like 2GB.
Looks nice. Hopefully the devs give love to the GOG versions.

What about KB2?
Chasmancer: Looks interesting.
Heck does Hyperviolent need ridiculous 8GB of RAM for though? It looks less than games that required like, two-three thousand times less RAM than it does, not next gen Crysis. And even Crysis required mere 1GB and ran well on something like 2GB.
Played the demo on steam and i'ts pretty weight, for some reason it chugs on the fps. Hitting below 60 in a fair amount of places on a 3080. Hope it's just a demo fault rather than something to expect in the full release.

The game feels and sounds great though. Visuals will be to a taste...i like em though
Kapital looks like SimCity with riots.
Linko64: Played the demo on steam and i'ts pretty weight, for some reason it chugs on the fps. Hitting below 60 in a fair amount of places on a 3080. Hope it's just a demo fault rather than something to expect in the full release.
It's like, what the hell do you even need to do to make it that demanding when such games ran great on a junkbox that didn't have even a fraction of a percent of the crappiest smartphone's capacity, and you can do way more with eighth of what it asks for.
Hope you're right and it's teething problems. We'll see.
low rated
That's gotta be ballsy to make a city management game named Kapital while including bourgeois who pay their taxes! XP

I like a lot the low poly art direction and the pseudo 2.5D emulation in Hyperviolent, although I am sure it is a proper 3D game. And indeed the requirements are weird. Pretty low CPU and videocard requirements and 8gb RAM. Well. Nowadays even 8gb are not exagerated requirements but it is a contrast compared with the other reqs.
Chasmancer: Looks interesting.
Heck does Hyperviolent need ridiculous 8GB of RAM for though?
Unity engine ?
low rated
Both Hyperviolent and Kapital are in my area of interest. I'm afraid the first one will vanish in the stream of similar retro shooters however. The rules of Kapital remind me of Tropico a bit, but the setting is completely different. Also the revolution mechanisms seem to be more developed. I'll be keeping an eye on both.
Think I'll hold out and see if they arrive on Zoom-Platform since they seem to have a good relationship with 1C too. Under normal circumstances I would prefer to have them here, but after Hitman: Be Online to Access Your Content edition and the lack of what I would call a meaningful response to users' concerns, I feel I can't trust releases on to be DRM-free.