In obviously:)
bumping this coz it should be on the first page
Hello adventurer:)
I'm surprised that this doesn't have many entries. I have spent so many hours with the original Baldur's Gate series, including busting my head to install mods in the correct order. Maybe people would prefer a GOG version but we cant have everything and BG2 is BG2. Can you tell me any differences between the BG2+Throne of Bhaal and this enhanced edition? I have noticed a "Pits something" quest, is there more content? And can you install mods in general or they are incompatible?
In other news, my favourite skill is disable traps, I hated traps since the first time I was in the Candlekeep catacombs without a thief and the lightning traps were bouncing from wall to wall like a full power chain lightning in my party's face. Since then a thief is always a member of my team. Especially in NWN, my main character was a thief and I could use this skill to recover traps and my was carrying around 20 deadly traps:)
Another thing I used to enjoy in BG2, was to get a single class high level good cleric, and go in "sanctuary mode", turn undead and watch vampires explode in Chapter 6.
Offtopic, have you ever tried Edwin vs Kangaxx 1 on 1? Or clear the drow city with the mods that give more/better troops?
Post edited May 26, 2017 by greeklover