HeresMyAccount: But do you specifically have
Kindle version 3?
I know that sometimes the version can make a difference.
I have two Kindles:
a "
Kindle 4" (2011) - the one with the nine keys and a cursor pad
(no touchscreen), and
a "
Kindle Paperwhite", 7th generation (2015).
I use the same micro-USb cable (from an old Samsung mobile phone//designation on the charger - output: 5 volts == 2.0 amps) for both of them. As I said before: no problems whatsoever - with none of my Kindles. Fact: from "
Kindle 2" (2009)
to "
Kindle Oasis 3" (2019),
all Kindle models/generationss use(d) a micro USB cable with an output voltage of 5 volts. The only difference between Amazon's cables and all the other's cables, is the branding.
As long as you
don't use a cable with a higher output, all is fine.
Even fast chargers are no problem - as long as the output is 5 volts
(2.0 amps).
Have you tried googling for "charging cable for Kindle 3"?
If I do, I find cables with those exact specifications.
But if you're really so unsure about this, simply call Amazon's support hotline and tell them your problem - I'm sure, they can send you an original cable
(if you're lucky, maybe even for free).