InkPanther: I'm not particularly happy about this rule to be honest. No, I'm not defending all those things being written in political treads. It's just, I don't know, it doesn't feel right. Just punish offenders...
When Gearbox released Homeworld on Steam, I and a couple other people went to their forum to ask them to bring it also to GOG. All threads like that were quickly closed by moderation because it lead to mention of drm vs no-drm and related stuff. So they basically forbade and cut all discussion on the matter. I felt it was a stupidass reason, and this here on GOG doesn't feel much better.
But that was a gaming related thread which they closed, which is bullshit in a gaming forum.
This rule seems to apply to political threads that have NOTHING do with gaming and so far the distinction is being held too as there are a couple of politically oriented threads here still open because that are at least somewhat gaming related.