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In which gog discuss the "Arrowverse" and the shows based on it. Also we can talk about Gotham here. No reason why not.

So anyone else watch these shows on the forums? What do you think? I think Flash has been firing on all cylinders lately but Arrow has just been missing the mark. What do you guys think? The recent Grodd episode of Flash was again good, which is amazing considering it's an episode about a giant CGI gorilla, and yet, Arrow's recent wasn't all that great, though I will say it was a bit better than previous episodes recently.

What do you guys think? Anyone else miss Slade?
do goggers not watch television? nobody with anything to say for these shows? these are good shows!
johnnygoging: do goggers not watch television? nobody with anything to say for these shows? these are good shows!
With a backlog like ours, who has time for television?
So far i've only watched Arrow. The moment i saw Green Arrow at Justice League cartoon, i've became a fan of him. Since he looked a LOT like Robin Hood from The Adventures of Robin Hood starring Errol Flynn. The one from Arrow is pretty ok.
I enjoyed the first season of Arrow, but I've only watched the first episode of season two so far and therefore haven't gotten to Flash yet.

Fucking Gotham. I've watched about half of it. It's on Netflix now, and I keep on thinking that I should go and finish it up, but then I remember that Barbara is in it and decide to watch something else. She is the worst. I like the rest of the show but she is just absolutely dreadful.
I thought Arrow and Flash were the two new guys in the Ikari Warriors reboot.
I already talked a lot about those shows here. Arrow is just plain terrible. Horrible actors, bad writing, way too much badly written soap opera, and in every possilbe way a disgrace to a great comic book character. Flash was an odd mixture of good and terrible in it's first season. Some bad writing, terrible plot holes, some terrible actors, but the Reverse Flash was handled really well (Tom Cavanagh killed it as Thawne) and we had some fine episodes, like Mark Hamill back as The Trickster. Gotham had a lot of problems, but it's still by far the best of the three (four if you count the already dead shitty Constantine). Best cast (penguin and Bullock are absolutely perfect, Gordon is good, Falcone and Maroni were very good, and Alfred kicks ass), and despite somereally bad episodes and obvious last minute rewrites the overall story of Gordon fighting the corruption and choosing lesser evils was interesting.

I'll be catching up on Gotham and Flash second seasons some time later, I have not seen any episodes of those yet. For now I have Doctor Who (which actually seems to be on a rebound after the last awfull season) and Ash vs Evil Dead which is the greatest thing on right now except for Gravity Falls.
doccarnby: but then I remember that Barbara is in it and decide to watch something else. She is the worst. I like the rest of the show but she is just absolutely dreadful.
She is, but they actually figured that out themselves, and did a totall 180 on her. Not to spoil too much, but the "love interest" thing is quite definately out of the window. I'm not entirely sure how well she will turn out in her new role (not having seen the second season yet), but if she is what's keeping you from watching the rest of the first season, I think you should give it another go.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by Breja
I watched the pilot of Flash. I didn't like that but I didn't expect to. I enjoyed the flashbacks of Arrow because it reminded me of Lost but as Breja said, it's full of issues.

I enjoy Gotham though because I've always enjoyed Batman, for one thing he is more of a darker hero but the villains are the best. One problem: Gordon/cops. I can't stand them and they are just filler. I'm particularly fond of The Penguin and Nigma, largely because they have been given great actors. Really great that some villains are regulars. If only they had shorter action scenes and less cops, this show would be terrific.
doccarnby: but then I remember that Barbara is in it and decide to watch something else. She is the worst. I like the rest of the show but she is just absolutely dreadful.
Breja: She is, but they actually figured that out themselves, and did a totall 180 on her. Not to spoil too much, but the "love interest" thing is quite definately out of the window. I'm not entirely sure how well she will turn out in her new role (not having seen the second season yet), but if she is what's keeping you from watching the rest of the first season, I think you should give it another go.
I've heard that, and that season two is better in general, but I've also heard that she's still the worst part and I would have to sit through 13 more episodes of season one before I got to find out if I like the new direction any better or not. And she really is the one thing that keeps me from enjoying the show, I was excited to discover that Jeffery Combs has a role, and I love the dude, but there's always Barbara casting a shadow over the entire thing.
doccarnby: I've heard that, and that season two is better in general, but I've also heard that she's still the worst part and I would have to sit through 13 more episodes of season one before I got to find out if I like the new direction any better or not. And she really is the one thing that keeps me from enjoying the show, I was excited to discover that Jeffery Combs has a role, and I love the dude, but there's always Barbara casting a shadow over the entire thing.
There really isn't that much of her in the rest of season 1, and most of it you can just fast forward through- like I did. There is only one story arc when she matters, and that's the one where they change her character. And honestly, it's actually a pretty fun three part story, sort of a Gotham twist on 50 Shades of Grey :D

Unfortunately Jeffrey Combs, who is fantastic, I absolutely agree, has only a minor role in a couple of episodes, in an otherwise pointless story that really might as well not be there. A waste of a great actor, who could have had a great role on a show like this. I could easily see him as Hugo Strange for example.

Yeah, that first season was very uneaven. I loved following Alfred and Bruce, and the mafia plot with Penguin, Falcone and Maroni. On the other hand Barbara was terrible until almost the very end, and Fish had a whole pointless story related to nothing at all throught the second half of the season. Still, I feel it was worth watching for those good parts.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by Breja
doccarnby: I've heard that, and that season two is better in general, but I've also heard that she's still the worst part and I would have to sit through 13 more episodes of season one before I got to find out if I like the new direction any better or not. And she really is the one thing that keeps me from enjoying the show, I was excited to discover that Jeffery Combs has a role, and I love the dude, but there's always Barbara casting a shadow over the entire thing.
Breja: There really isn't that much of her in the rest of season 1, and most of it you can just fast forward through- like I did. There is only one story arc when she matters, and that's the one where they change her character. And honestly, it's actually a pretty fun three part story, sort of a Gotham twist on 50 Shades of Grey :D

Unfortunately Jeffrey Combs, who is fantastic, I absolutely agree, has only a minor role in a couple of episodes, in an otherwise pointless story that really might as well not be there. A waste of a great actor, who could have had a great role on a show like this. I could easily see him as Hugo Strange for example.

Yeah, that first season was very uneaven. I loved following Alfred and Bruce, and the mafia plot with Penguin, Falcone and Maroni. On the other hand Barbara was terrible until almost the very end, and Fish had a whole pointless story related to nothing at all throught the second half of the season. Still, I feel it was worth watching for those good parts.
There's been changes in the second season. That's all I'll say. You should catch up on Gotham at least. I'd agree it's the best show of the three. There's some things I don't like about the second season but there's some things I do.
I LOVE the Flash. It's very goofy, very Silver-Age-y but more often than not It's quite dumb, but I'm having so much fun with it. Besides, Season 2 so far has been quite good, actually. Patty Spivot ist a way better love interest than Iris ever was, and ever since Iris stopped being a love interest, the writers actually made her a likeable and capable character.

I've been playing catch-up with Arrow lately. The first season was so-so, Season 2, based on what I've seen so far, was a bit better. I prefer "Flash", but "Arrow"'s entertaining at least.
Here's a big fan of both series! Any rule about some kind of spoilers in this thread?
nicohvc: Here's a big fan of both series! Any rule about some kind of spoilers in this thread?
I say fee free to discuss spoilers as long as you clearly mark visibly up front that your post has them somewhere.