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J Lo: I spun the wheel; and the winner is...Tokyo_Bunny_8990! Congratulations!

Here are the answers to the riddles...

1. Want to do the crime but can’t do the time? These three things you should never leave behind…

Evidence, witnesses, a trail

2. There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches. How do they smoke?

They throw a cigarette overboard and make the boat a cigarette lighter.

3. What is it that no man wants to have but no man wants to lose?

A lawsuit.

4. What was Joan of Arc made of?

Orleans (Maid of Orleans was a title given to Joan of Arc).

5. When does a painter use a trigger instead of a brush?

When he's a stick-up artist.

6. The eight of us go forth, not back. To protect our king from a foe’s attack

Chess pawns.

7. How do Green Lanterns recognize each other?

They each have a familiar ring to them.

8. The Flash can run from New York to Los Angeles in 10 seconds. What can run the same distance, but be there when the Flash arrives?

The road.

9. When is a person like a piece of wood?

When he's a ruler.

10. How many sides is a circle?

Two. Inside and outside.

Edit: typo
Thank you so much for the answers and gift. I really enjoyed the competition.

Unfortunately, I have trouble redeeming the code so I do hope someone else is able to enjoy the game instead of me.

Thank you very much @J Lo for the generosity and the opportunity.
I took another spin; and...Mugiwarah! You won! Congratulations!
Thank you for the game and the nice giveaway :)
I purposefully arrived fashionably late, because I wasn't interested in the prize but I'm loving these little riddles you tossed our way! :) Fun giveaway idea! You get a happy +1 from me, J Lo. I want to give these a go. Did not read your post with the answers to see what I can come up with on my own. :P

1. Want to do the crime but can’t do the time? These three things you should never leave behind…
My accomplices, all witnesses and my DNA.

2. There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches. How do they smoke?
They might be in a boat, but no mention of the boat not being anchored to a dock. xD One of them steps out and fetches some matches.

3. What is it that no man wants to have but no man wants to lose?
A broken heart.

4. What was Joan of Arc made of?
Compostable material.

5. When does a painter use a trigger instead of a brush?
When playing Capture The Flag at the local paintball tournament.

6. The eight of us go forth, not back. To protect our king from a foe’s attack.
Enlisted peasants.

7. How do Green Lanterns recognize each other?
They don't. They are color blind.

8. The Flash can run from New York to Los Angeles in 10 seconds. What can run the same distance, but be there when the Flash arrives?
His running shoes.

9. When is a person like a piece of wood?
When they work at the help desk of a government bureaucratic bureau.

10. How many sides is a circle?
An infinite loop of sides.

Man, some of these were tough! xD