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moobot83: i turned windows updates off and it does it permanently,
Isn't that the same as running any windows from 95,98,2000 XP,Vista,W7 and all I missed,unsafe and liable to be hit with a virus or whatever? Then you agree that updates are no longer viable.
rtcvb32: Here's my opinion. Fuck windows 10 and microsoft.
Wow and I though I was the only one wanting someone to KILL BILL GATES!
moobot83: i turned windows updates off and it does it permanently,
Tauto: Isn't that the same as running any windows from 95,98,2000 XP,Vista,W7 and all I missed,unsafe and liable to be hit with a virus or whatever? Then you agree that updates are no longer viable.
tbh viruses are from a past era, the biggest threat is malware and ransomware which is mainly browser based and i have a backup of my SSD incase i get hit so il just use that backup if i ever get infected then copy it back to the infected SSD which will overwrite any bad stuff.

i laugh at ransomware cos its so easy to bypass it and stop it,

and windows updates 90% of the time its just windows defender definitions and then a few bug fixes, only virus i ever got on my pc was on windows xp with the sasser worm which probably affected most people here on GOG when XP was the current OS. since then i have not had any viruses, no spyware/malware or nothing cos alot of this malicous stuff relies on people having an internet browser which i do not have
Post edited May 11, 2019 by moobot83
Tauto: Isn't that the same as running any windows from 95,98,2000 XP,Vista,W7 and all I missed,unsafe and liable to be hit with a virus or whatever? Then you agree that updates are no longer viable.
moobot83: tbh viruses are from a past era, the biggest threat is malware and ransomware which is mainly browser based and i have a backup of my SSD incase i get hit so il just use that backup if i ever get infected then copy it back to the infected SSD which will overwrite any bad stuff.

i laugh at ransomware cos its so easy to bypass it and stop it,

and windows updates 90% of the time its just windows defender definitions and then a few bug fixes, only virus i ever got on my pc was on windows xp with the sasser worm which probably affected most people here on GOG when XP was the current OS. since then i have not had any viruses, no spyware/malware or nothing cos alot of this malicous stuff relies on people having an internet browser which i do not have
Sorry, but I don't understand your statement....(having an internet browser which i do not have) enlighten me please.
richlind33: End-user behavior is far more significant re security than running an OS that is no longer officially supported.
wpegg: Running an insecure OS *is* end-user behaviour and is demonstrative of an attitude to security that may well get them burned. Drive by attacks can catch anyone, I got hit by one a few months ago while I was browsing articles on optimisations to Microsft Azure Service Fabric (a very niche subject), luckily I was up to date and had no vulns it could exploit. Innocent sites can get compromised, you might have visited it for the last year, and totally trust it, only for it to suddenly start probing your machine. Given that, the belief that the end-user can avoid such attacks through diligence and careful behaviour is naive. This very site has demonstrated weaknesses in the past that could have been exploited to allow such attacks, and yet you are here, probably allowing this site to run scripts (I don't think you can log in without).
I'm not saying you are(at least not intentionally), but this is somewhat scaremongering imo. One can(with diligence/proper opsec and script/etc blockers and common sense) avoid 90% or more of the common attacks/exploits online, and even if one gets hit with something their opsec/blockers/av doesn't catch they usually can remedy the problem with an av scan, a blocker/app update, or some other fix.

Yes, being secure is good, but being paranoid to the point that it affects your enjoyment of the net/your hardware is not a good thing.
GameRager: Some dislike Windows/Microsoft(and often for good reason), but if some like their products I see no harm in it/in doing so as long as one get's their money's worth and knows how to use such to the best of their ability/to block any bad aspects of said products/etc.
hedwards: You mean other than them encouraging suck? People like that deserve no mercy.
Some people just want their bread and circuses...if it affects no one else then why get mad at them for doing so?

moobot83: i turned windows updates off and it does it permanently,
Tauto: Isn't that the same as running any windows from 95,98,2000 XP,Vista,W7 and all I missed,unsafe and liable to be hit with a virus or whatever? Then you agree that updates are no longer viable.
To be fair, one could get hit with viruses on the newest OSs as well.....even updates to fix some exploits can and do sometimes create whole new ones.

As I said before: If you practice proper opsec/use blockers & apps online/use common sense & back your stuff up for the small chance sh*t DOES hit the fan then you should be fine in 90% of cases.
moobot83: tbh viruses are from a past era, the biggest threat is malware and ransomware which is mainly browser based and i have a backup of my SSD incase i get hit so il just use that backup if i ever get infected then copy it back to the infected SSD which will overwrite any bad stuff.

i laugh at ransomware cos its so easy to bypass it and stop it,

and windows updates 90% of the time its just windows defender definitions and then a few bug fixes, only virus i ever got on my pc was on windows xp with the sasser worm which probably affected most people here on GOG when XP was the current OS. since then i have not had any viruses, no spyware/malware or nothing cos alot of this malicous stuff relies on people having an internet browser which i do not have
Tauto: Sorry, but I don't understand your statement....(having an internet browser which i do not have) enlighten me please.
About ransomware? Basically it's an exploit that pops up a popup window that locks your PC/claims it locked your pc.

Sometimes it locks your pc from shutting the browser down or restarting your pc after turning it off. Most times it just tricks you into thinking it has infected your pc/a virus has infected you when one can usually/easily just close their browser(via control panel/etc) and stop it entirely.
Post edited May 11, 2019 by GameRager
moobot83: tbh viruses are from a past era, the biggest threat is malware and ransomware which is mainly browser based and i have a backup of my SSD incase i get hit so il just use that backup if i ever get infected then copy it back to the infected SSD which will overwrite any bad stuff.

i laugh at ransomware cos its so easy to bypass it and stop it,

and windows updates 90% of the time its just windows defender definitions and then a few bug fixes, only virus i ever got on my pc was on windows xp with the sasser worm which probably affected most people here on GOG when XP was the current OS. since then i have not had any viruses, no spyware/malware or nothing cos alot of this malicous stuff relies on people having an internet browser which i do not have
Tauto: Sorry, but I don't understand your statement....(having an internet browser which i do not have) enlighten me please.
i dnt have a web browser simple
fr33kSh0w2012: Wow and I though I was the only one wanting someone to KILL BILL GATES!
Maybe he'll die by those vaccines he so loves to push on everyone else.
hedwards: You mean other than them encouraging suck? People like that deserve no mercy.
GameRager: Some people just want their bread and circuses...if it affects no one else then why get mad at them for doing so?
That's the thing, it does affect all sorts of other people. Right now you've got 3 major choices for operating systems, one requires you to buy stupidly expensive and fragile hardware, another has limited support from commercial software.
GameRager: Some people just want their bread and circuses...if it affects no one else then why get mad at them for doing so?
hedwards: That's the thing, it does affect all sorts of other people. Right now you've got 3 major choices for operating systems, one requires you to buy stupidly expensive and fragile hardware, another has limited support from commercial software.
True, but not everyone is a saint/thinks of everyone before themselves.
Why was the unvaccinated six year old crying?

He was having a mid-life crisis.
Tauto: Sorry, but I don't understand your statement....(having an internet browser which i do not have) enlighten me please.
moobot83: i dnt have a web browser simple
You call someone and tell them what to type on the GOG forum? Or do you send a letter? Smoke signals maybe?
moobot83: i dnt have a web browser simple
teceem: You call someone and tell them what to type on the GOG forum? Or do you send a letter? Smoke signals maybe?
ex.jpg (24 Kb)
tinyE: <professor x picture>
Maybe you're giving the guy too much credit? ;-)
tinyE: <professor x picture>
teceem: Maybe you're giving the guy too much credit? ;-)
Or maybe he's not giving ENOUGH of it. 0.o
GameRager: Or maybe he's not giving ENOUGH of it. 0.o
He sure doesn't write like a professor.