With this, I agree. I prefer GOG, as it's all about DRM-Free. Also, I don't like depending on an Internet connection to get my games (probably a side effect for not having Internet until I was > 16). And even if I use Steam (because it's commonly the cheapest option and I need to buy games in bundles && || when heavily discounted), I share the points you make, and have been complaining about them since I registered an account (back when I finally got that CS 1.6 box...). When I talk to my Steam loving die hard friend, I usually sound like you (but with less convincing power and more curse words, I am afraid... Damn I must improve my speach! xD).
My point was on defending the DRM Free aspects of other clients
when they rarely exist. I prefer GOG, but Steam has some DRM Free games. Hell, even Uplay has some DRM-Free games. I have purchased some games, and I can tell you that once downloaded, Assassin's Creed 1, Splinter Cell 1 and SC Chaos Theory, don't seem to need Uplay to even be installed nor an Internet connection. And in these rare cases, they are like GOG (even if just a practical sense), because once passed the credentials login/download steps, the game is yours to move like a GOG installer, but in a portable fashion. So, even if also prefer the certainty and clarity about a GOG game, I hate when someone says that all Steam games are DRM, when there are some that are not.
And finally. I agree on clients are worse than browser access. But I don't think they are DRM by themselves (for a DRM free game, obviously, as other users seem not to grasp that part), as much as they are incovenient (and intrusive). Even if I have not tested it, I read about a "Steam CLI" or something like that, which allowed to download these DRM Free games without the client (specially useful for Linux user I recall to read).
Sorry if I misread/miswrote anything, as I am a bit sleepy. And thanks for making good points and not just a "Steam
is DRM, you fagget, read what I said" kind of reply.
Lucumo: You do realize we didn't talk about the games but the client? How hard can reading be?
Here, let me make it bold for you: Of course you need an account. If you actually read the thread, you would know that several people stated that (including me).
I can read. Only you explain yourself in a very shitty fashion. My first reply was in fact directed to your "bolding". But seems that your amazing reading skills didn't let you understand my point.
If you make the enormous effort of reading my first reply and try to link it to your "bolding, you will understand what I was asking for. But that seems a little bit much to ask, so no worries m8 ;)