Niggles: Interesting.Looks like bulk of the changes are to do with multiplayer (not interested personally) and some buffing on the looks of the game.Im happy they are working on these wonder its taking a while. Wonder if they included some of the handy stuff from the mods including the stash mod (forget the name of it but it was very very handy..)
I've always been using the
TQ Defiler for Titan Quest which lets you modify tons of things in the game, from the obvious like increased experienced and better drops, to cosmetic and convenient things like increased potion stacking and super flying bodies, and finally to completely editing your character. But you should play the game vanilla first for a while before using the defiler to increase its life span. (Not that you are actually ever done with any of these highly replayable ARPGs like Titan Quest, Sacred, Torchlight, Diablo, and the like.)