I have to agree with Cavalary, and say that it never stops to amaze me how GOG always manages to use so many words in reply to issues users have, yet actually says very little about the months-long issues at hand.
elcook: I’m reviving this topic [...]
Forgive me for being a tad pedantic - this thread was never in need of any reviving; users didn't magically start liking the 'new' GOG, nor stopped discussing the issues. The last post before yours was from yesterday, hardly an indication that the thread was dead as you make it sound.
elcook: [...] First, let me apologize all of you who spend time and effort to provide feedback regarding the website redesign we’ve launched for GOG.COM’s 10th anniversary celebrations, but were left without any reply from our side. This is not how this should look and work. You are an important part of the community built around GOG, one that is very vocal about everything we do, and one that cares about GOG. We really appreciate it, and this post is the first step we’re taking to fix communication with you. [...]
Better late than never, I guess.
More than a year ago, GOG had a few users over at their offices in Warsaw. The problematic and mostly lacking communication was one of the topics discussed, and from what those users shared here, GOG seemed interested and prepared to actively work on improving things on this front.
Fast-forward to today, and nothing has changed as here you are apologising and telling us that this post of yours is the first step towards fixing communication. After two months of users commenting and giving feedback on the problems the site revamp introduced. While GOG remained silent.
I'm sorry to say that I don't believe anything will ever change on this front. Experience says that GOG shows up and makes an announcement/statement
after the numbers show that its users aren't all talk and no action; in this specific case, I'll go on a limb and say that the previous two big(ger) sales didn't go as hoped/expected, and concern about the next one coming up (Winter sale) going the same way has something to do with the timing and content of this response.
You may think that I'm being unfair and (too) cynical, but this is far from our first rodeo, and so far the score isn't in your favour. So yes, I'm being cynical, and changing my view on this requires quite some hard and consistent work on GOG's part. I may not even be alone in this.
elcook: [...] They are constantly working on making the experience better, be it by fixing bugs or
working on bigger changes that will go live this month and further on. [...]
[emphasis added]
I guess we'll have to wait and see what the part I highlighted entails, but, seeing what sort of changes the anniversary revamp brought, and the recent bug with the nav-bar hiding the settings part of the forum, the initial reaction is feeling some dread.
elcook: [...] but some will remain as they are, to make it best for as many gamers as possible. [...]
Since it seems that GOG has decided which things will remain as they are, it'd be appreciated if you shared that list with us. I understand that GOG would like to avoid a possible shitstorm at the eves of the big Winter sale, but beating around the bush, after two months of silence, makes this attempt at restoring two-way communication feel less sincere.
Just like the following:
elcook: [...] If you mean when you hover over a game tile, this won't be changed. [...]
elcook: [...] Ok, we will keep that in mind and put it on the list of things to look into.
This feels more like what I said about a shitstorm and possible impact on the upcoming Winter sale, than actually understanding your users' point and seriously taking it into consideration; we've been through a few such vague statements that you should know by now that it means nothing until something's actually done.
And frankly, I, like many others, just don't get why GOG wants so desperately to keep this. It's probably the most hated change you introduced, by old and new users alike and for good reasons, so what exactly is it that GOG gains from having, and keeping, it in place? All the while showing, once more, complete disrespect to users with slow internet connection and/or capped internet data plans?
elcook: [...] Lack of GOGMixes
There are a few reasons why we’ve decided to remove GOGMixes. They were introduced back in 2010 and were never updated, which made the whole feature outdated. This also caused some issues with GOGMixes working properly with the new website. Other than that, through the years we've neglected GOGMixes and their moderation, which resulted in a huge amount of "spam" mixes.
We have plans how to improve games discoverability on GOG, so rest assured this will be addressed. [...]
You are correct that GOGmixes were a tool of discoverability, just not exclusively
games discoverability. And while you refer to a huge amount of "spam' mixes, there were a number of them that provided info not made readily available by GOG on game pages, info relevant to a good number of your userbase that wants to make informed decisions. Were I (more) cynical person, I'd say that it's convenient for GOG that
that info isn't visible any more.
elcook: The review system seemed to be one of the things most people enjoyed, but thanks for highlighting your issues with it. [...]
There's no denying that the current review system is an improvement to the previous one. But that doesn't mean that it's devoid of issues. Like the leaking of total amount of games a user has. More than a month ago,
Linko90 had said in this very thread that a fix was coming. But with no further communication from GOG, we have no idea if that fix was ever implemented or not, i.e. going over reviews I have no idea if all those showing their total number of games do so by choice or if the leak's still active.
And some of us remember that the previous review system was GOG downgrading the one he had before it with the 2014
better, fresher GOG revamp. So we basically got that one back with a few extra features. And a few issues we didn't have. Like the lack of any sort of formatting that Lucumo mentioned. Again.
elcook: I'll bring the topic of character limitation and formatting in reviews to our devs, and
see if and what can be done.[...]
[emphasis added]
Two things:
1. What's with the part I highlighted? Seriously,
DarthJDG fixed the formatting issue, along with a number of other issues (seriously, just install his hack and see for yourself), some of which your web-devs are still bouncing ideas about, more than a month ago in just a few hours. And that was hacking GOG's code. How hard and time consuming can it be for GOG's web-devs to implement a native fix?
2. These issues have been brought up a few times before, be it in this thread or (in one or more of) the other ones. Why will you bring this to the devs
now if you've been reading and listening to our feedback since day one?
Anyway, others have already pointed out plenty of things, and I'm fairly certain they'll continue, and probably do a better job at it than me, so back to wait and see mode.