coffeecup: At least their prized idol store called "Steam" and "Netflix" seem to treat their respective customers better.
Well, while the frontpage just recently got an overhaul, surfing through the forum is still a pain on a mobile phone, however, none of these actually "treat their respective customers better":
(in general also of course)
- I've been addicted to the internet since the early days so I'm pretty used to slow loading and usually don't mind having a page load for a second or three, but it seems to me that very few really knows how to optimize a site while making it more "modern". Same goes for these young game devs that have absolutely no knowledge on how to make efficient code and in reality goes backwards. It's a bloated and flashy perversity that only gets worse.
Like with most things - if we have an abundance of something, we just consume and non the wiser.
- As far as I know, Netflix has removed a crucial part; the ability to read others opinions on what they've seen. I've only seen non-official forums, but in these days I guess they're all scared of negative reviews and all the frazzle of dealing with everyone's "opinions" so it's best to just scrub it and just forget about it... ;)
- Oh, and DRM, (s)nuff said.
- Getting every list served to me ordered by "popularity" has zero value in my mind. I buy/try a game because of my own opinions, not because 10000 others have already bought it! And Popular Achievements; LOL! talk about trying streamlining everyone into a flock of sheep where everyone is alike! :D
- Making it more difficult for a costumer to change/find something, contact support, subjective censorship, and this damn thing called autoplay are something that I personally
REALLY have a distaste for. GOG have been getting worse here, sadly. I just don't get why more and more companies are serving more a dumbed down version than the last one...
No wait... I know.
- Lets' face it - GOG is a company that sells games - of course they want to highlight some games by using these "in your face zoomed blocks" that takes forever to scroll past. It's an old and tried trick just like street sellers use their voice to actively influence more people. But damn so much scrolling. It just makes me sick and tired of getting overloaded with empty graphics and no substance. At least in the "older" days we actively searched, and lo and behold, actually
read about the game and others reviews about it.
I think we all can agree that this "modern design" is catered towards those with low attention span and/or self-esteem/self-control.
Still - I prefer GOG mainly because of the DRM free games and the seemingly more mature audience. Reading the forum or a review on Steam is like reading a 10 year old trying to sound mature and cool, but in reality it sounds more like a retard that spews out every unintelligent mumble he/she/it have heard from an uncle that also never finished 3. grade. XD
Like richlind33 said: The more changes, the more it stays the same. Or as our friendly retard neighbour said; stupid is as stupid does.
Net sum results are all that matters, not intentions.