FlockeSchnee: I see. So it could be because its outdated. :-/
Thank you for pointing out this RSS thing. Completely overlooked that. Bookmarked for now because I don't like subscriptions (I understand it the same as you, I think), so I will have to think about it. Have a nice day. :-)
Splatsch: Yep :S
Sorry for you :/ Pale Moon will hopefully be updated and/or maybe it's only a temporary issue, but I hope things will get sorted, especially for people like you who can't use a new version of FF :S
Oh, as Cavalary said, it's not really a "subscription". For what I understood, word is a bit misleading. If you use FF for your RSS, this "subscription" is only meaning that FF will create a kind of "RSS
bookmark" of the page who will automatically look for updates and show you them when you'll over the bookmark (or click on it depending where you put it) [see my screenshot].
And when you don't want it anymore, simply delete the "dynamic bookmark". In fact it's only a dynamic bookmark ;)
Lack of compatibility with "other" (or simply older versions of) browsers is becoming more and more common. I begin to have the feeling of slowly coming back to the 90's where pages were "optimized" to only IE (or Firefox at best).
For GOG... I kinda understand their choice but... here it really needs improvements when browsing on a computer if they want to go this way.
When you sell computer games, indeed, let people see easily (and conveniently) your site on their computers at least.
I wouldn't mind this kind of design if they weren't such an hassle to navigate through, to find the infos I want... Now, what a loss of time so often ! (not talking only about GOG here ;)) And I'm not even talking about the often lower performances on the browser :P (same)
I hope we'll see fixes (especially for broader browsers compatibility) and improvement. I've got good hopes : every time there was a controversial update, they tried to listen to our complaints/grips and do something about it.
Splatsch: If you use FF for your RSS, this "subscription" is only meaning that FF will create a kind of "RSS
bookmark" of the page who will automatically look for updates and show you them when you'll over the bookmark (or click on it depending where you put it)
Cavalary: If you use FF for your RSS,
you won't be able to anymore, sadly. And the discussion on the Bugzilla thread cut in no uncertain terms on Sep 11, with:
"Ok, that's enough of that.
Once again, while we realize that this is a contentious decision, it is also a decision that's been made. Alternatives have been provided, both in-product via a web-extension and externally, and we have no reason to re-litigate this decision.
Please consider this a polite reminder that this editbugs-privileged-users-only discussion is effectively resolved. Anyone who would like to continue this discussion in a way that does not meaningfully advance this bug towards that resolution will find their comments, and possibly their ability to make comments, subject to immediate moderation."
Thank you both for the explanation/information. :-)
Splatsch: Lack of compatibility with "other" (or simply older versions of) browsers is becoming more and more common. I begin to have the feeling of slowly coming back to the 90's where pages were "optimized" to only IE (or Firefox at best).
For GOG... I kinda understand their choice but... here it really needs improvements when browsing on a computer if they want to go this way.
When you sell computer games, indeed, let people see easily (and conveniently) your site on their computers at least.
I wouldn't mind this kind of design if they weren't such an hassle to navigate through, to find the infos I want... Now, what a loss of time so often ! (not talking only about GOG here ;)) And I'm not even talking about the often lower performances on the browser :P (same)
I hope we'll see fixes (especially for broader browsers compatibility) and improvement. I've got good hopes : every time there was a controversial update, they tried to listen to our complaints/grips and do something about it.
FlockeSchnee: And for the topic:
I like that reviews can be filtered now. Everything else new I will probably get used to.
Splatsch: +1 for the filters :)
really hope that they'll listen to our issues and that there will be adjustments :P
In current state it's certain that I'll be less likely to want to spend time wandering through main page and gamepages because all the gripes I explained, which is sad :S
Game pages look either empty (lots of blank space) or cluttered to me. Concerning "cluttered": They are informations about the game, of course. But to me it feels like those informations are thrown in my face, not simply shown to me. It will take some getting used to.
When a design choice makes you rethink if you want to wander and see if you may find something for you, it is sad. I like wandering gog too. It seems to be more difficult now to just stumble across something. I can't explain it.
We will see, if there will be adjustments of some kind. Or maybe just option choices one could select according to their preferences (again: I don't know about these internet things, so I don't know, if that is actually possible or an "all or nothing" kind of thing).
For/To me this "Curated collections" section is a good idea. I would like if they would add something like an art+music focused collection, I just don't know if that would be interesting for enough people, especially since art+music isn't all that important for playing a game and it might be difficult to come to a consensus about what the definition of "noteworthy" art/music is I guess. Same goes for a collection of games which involve cards (mechanics) in some way, although at least this would be about actual gameplay not "just" looks/audio.
We will see what other/additional changes might come (or not).