Posted March 18, 2018
buuut these less-oft. salez should be amaze, as in lots o' titles with heavee, heavee discounts. not puny discounts foooor good gamies (buuut hi fooor trash), an' not this bullsheep they keep doin' nao which is YOU MUST BUY ALL THIS STUFFAGES FOR EVEN HALF-GOOD DISCOUNTS O GOSH CAPS.
so yah, taht. an' drop this rando-ick. liek just no
Th4t m4k3s 9 s4l3s y34r. Th4t w0uld b3 purf3ct but w1ll th3y t4k3 4ny n0t1c3 0f wh4t W3 TH3 P30PL3 KN0W 1S 1N4RGU4BL3Y B3ST. N4h, n0t 4 ch4nc3 s1st3r.