eisberg77: What are you talking about?
xyem: GOG touted a bunch of principles when I joined (2 price points, free extras, no DLC and no regional pricing).
Over time, they have abandoned these principles.
The Regional Ripoff: Why Can't Gaming Be Fair?
In GOG.com's second commercial leading up to our announcement on Tuesday, 27 March 2012, we see the embodiment of another one of our core values.
xyem: Except for Regional pricing, none of the other stuff were their core values/principles, so what ever you thought you saw, you are simply wrong. And they explained why they were forced into regional pricing, and they also mentioned what their solution was.
eisberg77: What are you talking about?
xyem: GOG touted a bunch of principles when I joined (2 price points, free extras, no DLC and no regional pricing).
Over time, they have abandoned these principles.
The Regional Ripoff: Why Can't Gaming Be Fair?
In GOG.com's second commercial leading up to our announcement on Tuesday, 27 March 2012, we see the embodiment of another one of our core values.
xyem: Except for none of those, other than regional pricing, were ever advertised as their core values. And they explained they were being forced into regional pricing and they gave a solution to being forced which was taking money out of their own pocket.
eisberg77: What are you talking about?
xyem: GOG touted a bunch of principles when I joined (2 price points, free extras, no DLC and no regional pricing).
Over time, they have abandoned these principles.
The Regional Ripoff: Why Can't Gaming Be Fair?
In GOG.com's second commercial leading up to our announcement on Tuesday, 27 March 2012, we see the embodiment of another one of our core values.
xyem: Except for none of those, other than Regional Pricing, have been a core value, you are simply wrong. And they explained about how they were forced, yes forced, into doing regional pricing. Sounds like you would rather them just close up shop or never expand their library of games just to keep to a core value they were forced to not keep. They gave a solution to this by taking money out of their own pocket.
eisberg77: What are you talking about?
xyem: GOG touted a bunch of principles when I joined (2 price points, free extras, no DLC and no regional pricing).
Over time, they have abandoned these principles.
The Regional Ripoff: Why Can't Gaming Be Fair?
In GOG.com's second commercial leading up to our announcement on Tuesday, 27 March 2012, we see the embodiment of another one of our core values.
xyem: Except for none of those, other than Regional Pricing, have been a core value, you are simply wrong. And they explained about how they were forced, yes forced, into doing regional pricing. Sounds like you would rather them just close up shop or never expand their library of games just to keep to a core value they were forced to not keep. They gave a solution to this by taking money out of their own pocket.