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The DRM-Free Revolution Continues with Big Pre-Orders and Launch Day Releases!

Good news! is going to bring you more fantastic launch day releases, preorders, and other exciting new content from some of our favorite developers. We've lined up 3 big titles that we will be bringing to in the next couple of months for sale or preorder that we think will be hits with all of our gamers; and we have more equally exciting games coming up soon.

If you've been a member of the site for a long time, you may recall that when we launched sales of The Witcher 2 on, we had to add in regional pricing. The game cost different amounts in in the US, the UK, the European Union, and Australia. We're doing something like that once again in order to bring you new titles from fantastic bigger studios. Since we don't accept currencies other than USD on right now, we'll be charging the equivalent of the local price in USD for these titles. We wish that we could offer these games at flat prices everywhere in the world, but the decision on pricing is always in our partners' hands, and regional pricing is becoming the standard around the globe. We're doing this because we believe that there's no better way to accomplish our overall goals for DRM-Free gaming and We need more games, devs, and publishers on board to make DRM-Free gaming something that's standard for all of the gaming world!

That brings with it more good news, though! As mentioned, we have three games we're launching soon with regional pricing--two RPGs and a strategy game--and while we can't tell you what they are yet because breaking an NDA has more severe penalties than just getting a noogie, we're confident that you'll be as excited about these games as we are. For a limited time, we will be offering anyone who pre-orders or buys one of them a free game from a selection as a gift from, just like we did for The Witcher 2.

If you have any questions, hit us up in the comments below and we'll be happy to answer (to the best of our ability).

EDIT: Since we've answered a lot of the common questions already here (and lest you think that we've ignored you), it may be handy for you to check out the forum thread about this and search for staff answers by clicking this link here. (hat tip to user Eli who reminded us that the feature even exists. :)
Drerhu: Somebody said that´s possible to "filter" comments and only see moderators or creators comments (like Enigmatic T)

How? : \
Drerhu: Somebody said that´s possible to "filter" comments and only see moderators or creators comments (like Enigmatic T)

How? : \
Add "?staff=yes" to the end of the URL, like so:

EDIT: "Ninja! Where you go?"
Post edited February 24, 2014 by IAmSinistar
Bloodygoodgames: It reminded me of that terrible movie "Boxing Helena", where a surgeon who can't get the woman he loves kidnaps her and amputates her legs and then her arms. Relegating her to not much more than breasts and a vagina.
IAmSinistar: Worse, she was psychological and emotional support for him, even after what was done to her. She was still willing to help him heal himself, and to develop as person.

This to me says far too much about what some men think of as the proper role of women - a fuckable version of Mommy without any agency of her own. The "it was all a dream" only cements what it is - an actual dream for some men.

Not this man, thank the Fates.
Yep, an all-around terrible film with an horrendous message.

Then again, you only have to watch the average porn video to see what a sizeable number of men think about women.

All I can say is thankfully I grew up in a household with a father who has always had the utmost respect for women, and for me and my ability to do or be anything I wanted to be.

That also translated into the men I've always dated as, with a dad like that, I never had to accept a guy that treated me with anything BUT respect. Because, if he didn't, he was quickly shown the door :)


And, on that note, it's 1:30AM here and I'm off to bed. Night ya'll :)
Post edited February 24, 2014 by Bloodygoodgames
Bloodygoodgames: It reminded me of that terrible movie "Boxing Helena", where a surgeon who can't get the woman he loves kidnaps her and amputates her legs and then her arms. Relegating her to not much more than breasts and a vagina.
IAmSinistar: Worse, she was psychological and emotional support for him, even after what was done to her. She was still willing to help him heal himself, and to develop as person.

This to me says far too much about what some men think of as the proper role of women - a fuckable version of Mommy without any agency of her own. The "it was all a dream" only cements what it is - an actual dream for some men.

Not this man, thank the Fates.
To be fair, that movie was directed (and I think written) by a woman. I've never seen it and can't really comment on it, though.
Bloodygoodgames: It reminded me of that terrible movie "Boxing Helena", where a surgeon who can't get the woman he loves kidnaps her and amputates her legs and then her arms. Relegating her to not much more than breasts and a vagina.
IAmSinistar: Worse, she was psychological and emotional support for him, even after what was done to her. She was still willing to help him heal himself, and to develop as person.

This to me says far too much about what some men think of as the proper role of women - a fuckable version of Mommy without any agency of her own. The "it was all a dream" only cements what it is - an actual dream for some men.

Not this man, thank the Fates.
Stockholm Syndrome:
IAmSinistar: Worse, she was psychological and emotional support for him, even after what was done to her. She was still willing to help him heal himself, and to develop as person.

This to me says far too much about what some men think of as the proper role of women - a fuckable version of Mommy without any agency of her own. The "it was all a dream" only cements what it is - an actual dream for some men.

Not this man, thank the Fates.
silentbob1138: To be fair, that movie was directed (and I think written) by a woman. I've never seen it and can't really comment on it, though.
yes, you're correct. Jennifer Lynch, David Lynch's daughter. If I remember correctly it was her first movie (?) and earned her a 'Worst Director' award :)

Weird to me that another woman would put out something that offensive, or that an actress would actually act in it.
Drerhu: Somebody said that´s possible to "filter" comments and only see moderators or creators comments (like Enigmatic T)

How? : \
Thank you : )! (Since we have already a lot of different but same opinions, I would love to see what they want to say instead navigate through a bazilion forum pages ><)

Drerhu: Somebody said that´s possible to "filter" comments and only see moderators or creators comments (like Enigmatic T)

How? : \
IAmSinistar: Add "?staff=yes" to the end of the URL, like so:

EDIT: "Ninja! Where you go?"
Post edited February 24, 2014 by Drerhu
silentbob1138: To be fair, that movie was directed (and I think written) by a woman. I've never seen it and can't really comment on it, though.
Yes, it was. Not sure what her reasoning was for it, but I am judging the final product, which is often the work of many hands. Not that a women can't be a misogynist either (to wit, Phyllis Schlafly, or in a more complex way, Camille Paglia).

Again, I know nothing about the director/screenwriter, thus cannot say if she is a misogynist or a radical feminist or neither. Merely speaking about the message of the film, as I perceived it.

EDIT: Damn, the posting is just too fast in this thread. That's right, I do recall now hearing that she is David Lynch's daughter. Perhaps she felt she needed to make something that would be as talked about as Eraserhead for a first film. I think she got it, but in a different sense.
Post edited February 24, 2014 by IAmSinistar
Bloodygoodgames: yes, you're correct. Jennifer Lynch, David Lynch's daughter. If I remember correctly it was her first movie (?) and earned her a 'Worst Director' award :)

Weird to me that another woman would put out something that offensive, or that an actress would actually act in it.
Maybe she wanted to make a point against objectifying women and failed. Or she just wanted to shock.
HGiles: costs for businesses.
what costs for digital distribution?

HGiles: The misunderstanding is that we didn't just want more games, we want more games done the GOG way.
That is implied, goes without saying. Dont tell me gog didnt knew that, they knew we wanted games with customerLove
I have a feeling we're watching GOG slowly turn into every other online game retailer. It's all about the money.
Drerhu: Thank you : )! (Since we have already a lot of different but same opinions, I would love to see what they want to say instead navigate through a bazilion forum pages ><)

IAmSinistar: Add "?staff=yes" to the end of the URL, like so:

EDIT: "Ninja! Where you go?"
Drerhu: xDDDDD
Hey, at least we have had healthy discussion and debate.
It has been wery interesting to follow this trhead regardless of what the end result migth be :)
I haven't had time to read the previous 148(O_o) pages, so I would just like to state what this means for me:

Until now I chose gog over Steam for the DRM free games and the fact that every region is treated equally, be it price or be it censorship. If this changes there will be one less reason to not buy with Steam for me. I don't want to threaten, in fact I would love to have gog to keep everything as before. But if this changes my motivation to buy here will be damaged to some degree.
HGiles: costs for businesses.
mobutu: what costs for digital distribution?

HGiles: The misunderstanding is that we didn't just want more games, we want more games done the GOG way.
mobutu: That is implied, goes without saying. Dont tell me gog didnt knew that, they knew we wanted games with customerLove
You're kidding, right? Doing any business is much, much more than just shipping things. International business becomes much worse because of various legal jurisdictions and needing to comply with multiple legal systems that are often conflicting or contradictory. Not needing to pay shipping or staff warehouses cuts down on some costs, but by no means all of them.

It's really, really easy for a business to misunderstand the market signals they're getting. Your post makes me think you haven't worked for very long, if at all, so it may be hard to understand that. But when your customers don't mention something, it's easy to think they don't value it.
Post edited February 24, 2014 by HGiles
mobutu: what costs for digital distribution?

That is implied, goes without saying. Dont tell me gog didnt knew that, they knew we wanted games with customerLove
HGiles: You're kidding, right? Doing any business is much, much more than just shipping things. International business becomes much worse because of various legal jurisdictions and needing to comply with multiple legal systems that are often conflicting or contradictory. Not needing to pay shipping or staff warehouses cuts down on some costs, but by no means all of them.

It's really, really easy for a business to misunderstand the market signals they're getting. Your post makes me think you haven't worked for very long, if at all, so it may be hard to understand that. But when your customers don't mention something, it's easy to think they don't value it.
I'm going to second everything you said. Speaking as a lawyer, legal issues suck. And in the case of a storefront like GOG, I imagine the issues are about as bad as you get, because when you want to start tossing out DRM or mess with pricing structures... well, a significant portion of any publisher contract is spent on those provisions. A ton of time gets spent negotiating those in the first place, so GOG's situation must be dreadful.