Darvond: Maybe this is just a sign that Capitalism pushed to these extremes simply cannot be safely maintained, and that it's high time we all became socialistic, overthrowing the oppressive bourgeois?
Ever since 1981, socialism is exactly what leeched the system dry, polluted the economy, twisted the working model and made that country a rotting carcass, full of public servant drones and stagnant bureaucracy, hostile towards any investor and enterpreneur, which killed off their own industry and local production lines, forcing them to always and endlessly henceforth import, rent, beg, ask for everything. "Metapolitefsi Generation" and "Pasok" (socialist party which ruled for decades) are the main causes that led to all this fine mess... As well as liberal neo-democratics and their scandals with millions of money washed in black, at the expense of public funds needless to say (which devastated reserves and money deposits) together with Germans and their companies, such as Siemens.
In 1941, nazis invaded with guns; in 2001, nazis invaded with Euro. Results are roughly the same, minus the physical aspects of gore. But as always, a coin has two sides. Gullible europeans pay good money, which always end up in cronies and crooks and only make the debt bigger.