amok: aye, and the sad thing is that there is no-one else to blame for it then Amiga inc... The '94 bankruptcy, followed by the '96 ESCOM bankruptcy... most of that mess could have been avoided.
Crosmando: Yes, I believe Amiga had a large customer (especially in Europe) and lots of profit, and it was well ahead of it's competitor's (technologically) for years. It was the bad business practices of the Amiga Inc itself which did them in.
It was Commodore who screwed up and not just on the Amiga front.
The Plus/4, C16, C128 and A600 were wastes and even though many people love the A1200, it just wasn't enough of an improvement over the A500 to keep up with PCs.
Your best bet these days is to get a refurbished A1200 with a CF card in it with near enough all the games on it.
I love the Amiga and wish it was still relevant in todays market.