GR00V3R: Hi everyone. Mark here from Membraine Studios. It is with the greatest regret that I write to confirm Membraine is closing down, as the business is no longer financially sustainable for Glenn and me.
We have had a wild ride over the past six years of making ADEPTUS TITANICUS: DOMINUS. Working on a 40K game was an absolute dream come true for both Glenn and me, as we've been playing 40K and EPIC for most of our lives (for me personally, since Rogue Trader, 1st Ed 40K).
Sadly, this is a dream from which Glenn and I had to wake, but the good news is you still have some time to pick up a copy of DOMINUS, as the game will still be on sale here on until the 31st of March. If you're a 40K fan, and in particular if you're a Titans fan, this is your last opportunity to pick up a copy before the DOMINUS is gone forever.
While there is much we had hoped to get to do with DOMINUS expansion and DLC, Glenn and I are nonetheless both very proud of what the two of us achieved.
We hope you enjoy playing DOMINUS and commanding your Titan legios. FOR THE EMPEROR!!
— Mark & Glenn
Not sure how I missed this one. I am a massive 40K fan so glad it at least got pointed out before it was gone. It gives me a chance to get it before it was unavailable.
Sorry to hear you guys are shutting down, but I hope to buy the game soon before it's gone.