JAAHAS: Sometimes I really wonder the logic behind how software development tasks are prioritized as being able to add a custom buttons and specify what paths are linked to them would have been trivial to implement compared to trying to communicate with third party APIs in order to add games from other stores.
In software development you often do the most complicated things first in order to establish the groundwork. Those don't have to be fully integrated, but they need to be there as frame of reference of how big and complicated it can get.
So if the user story a) is "The user can start a game from a button and Galaxy tracks for how long the executable is running" - yeah, simple.
Now user story b) "Same as a), but also needs to start another client first, log the user in, only then start the game... and track achievements too while it's running"...
If you did a) first, you would quickly have your button to run the game, but then realize you hit dead end and have to start from scratch, because there is no way to get the functionality of b) into the simple button of a). Like you built a small wooden hut and now realize you would have needed a three-storey concrete building in the exact same spot.