HypersomniacLive: Cheers. The "Ascending" and "Descending" options work as should now.
Regarding the "Exact Match' search option - I have a question.
I've run a search in the mafia game thread for "ve" that Lifthrasil used instead of "we" to demonstrate his German accent.
While his posts showed up in the results, I also got every post that contains "I've".
Do cases of contractions still fall under "Exact Match"? Is there a way to not have them included in search results?
I can't believe my eyes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Well the search is based on a word boundary regex, which should find the string surrounded by any whitespace or non alphanumeric characters (if I understand it correctly). So yes, that is expected (though possibly not desirable.. but I'm not sure how to work around that edge case).
I could just search for the word surround by whitespace characters, but it wouldn't find words at the end of sentences (or followed by any kind of punctuation). Plus mrkgnao did specifically request it should find words surrounded by punctuation.
Glad you like it, I've been meaning to fix it for a while but just kept forgetting.
mrkgnao: All seems fine now. Good show!
adaliabooks: I haven't put it as an option as I just assumed everyone would want it.
mrkgnao: https://xkcd.com/1172/
Great :)
I should have known someone would link to that...
Like I said, if anyone found it useful I can make it optional :P