adaliabooks: Right. Not entirely sure why it's doing that, particularly as no one else seems to have the same problem.
But can you do two things.
1) Can you export your manual sort order and paste it somewhere like
Pastebin so I can have a look and see if it's messed up there, or if it's the code that's the issue
2) Can you uncomment line 2698 and comment out line 2699 and try resetting your sort order again (that's that most recent change that I can see making a difference) and tell me the results.
Attached please find:
1) sort_order.jpg - actually a text file (rename it to .txt) with the exported sort order. Gave it a cursory look and it seems the order itself is messed up.
2) top_of_my_lib,jpg - a jpeg file with the first few rows of my library for reference. The first five rows were hand sorted by me, the rest should have been sorted by title.
Tried the procedure you asked for in (2) above, didn't change anything.
One thing I noticed. When I first click reset (regardless of 2698/2699) the first page is correct (0-9A-B), but as soon as I reload the library, the order gets corrupted (begins with W-Z0-9A-B).
adaliabooks: Ah. That's a new issue.. XD
I've tried playing about with searching and filtering and it seems to work fine for both manual and non manual sort... is it only occurring with that search string or with any search you perform?
Any output in the console?
Also, I feel I should mention for those using Firefox, that the normal console is rubbish and doesn't actually show most errors (which was why I originally struggled with debugging and developing in Firefox) and you need to press
Ctrl + Shift + J to get the console that actually shows most errors. So check both if your having issues because some errors only show in this one.
I tried again just now and was unable to reproduce the "syst" bug either. So that's that for now.
When I say console, I mean "Firebug".