adaliabooks: Right, it's been a while since I've done this so forgive me if I've broken anything...
A Wild Update Appeared!
I've incorporated MarkoH01's excellent work (not the correct spelling of his username), fixed the option to disable sending chat messages when pressing Enter (which I'd done before dropping off work on the script last year but never got around to pushing it as the chat still needed loads of work, and still does) and added an option to hide the web installers.
Have only barely tested it, but there's nothing to major so hopefully there shouldn't be any issues.
Enjoy! :)
It works with a small issue, if hide web installers is selected when you go to games details the galaxy section is hidden as intended, but if you then click on the Downloader Links checbox-button the galaxy section reappears.
I've already made a fix by copying two lines from the
function changeDownloadLinks() to the end of
function compileNewDownloadLinks() after the end of the last if.
The two lines are:
$('.af-offline-installers').toggleClass("af-offline-installers-no-margin", settings.get('library-hide-web-downloader'));
Maybe you can include it in next version or release a hotfix version.