ZyloxDragon: Galaxy has not been running on my computer for a few weeks, however I recently noticed a notification in my Activity Feed on the website. How am I getting achievements for a game if I'm directly starting with the .exe file, and NOT starting thru Galaxy? How exactly is the the GOG website collecting this data?
A little bit late, but I came here from google so it might be helpful for someone like me.
When you log in to the Galaxy for the first time, it creates a registry entry with your gog username and some unique identifiers in it. Certain games are programmed that way so they can send achievements information directly to the gog api servers depending only on these registry entries, without galaxy even installed. I don't remember the path, but you can find this registry entry easily with CTRL+F and type your gog username.
I didn't read any docs, but for the most part, it works something like that, I can be wrong in the details.