Yeah, I've been experiencing that the last couple of days nonstop in both Firefox and Chrome so it's definitely not browser related. Prior to that I experienced a problem where the GOG website would not load at all, it just sat there spinning for a very long time in both browsers also. I presume GOG has recently updated their website and broke something and are still in the process of fixing it.
I did a happy dance of flushing the cache/cookies/etc. and logging out and in and every other standard run of the mill troubleshooting/workaround solution to no avail. About 20 minutes ago I tried that all again and it didn't work, then I logged out again and clicked on my GOG bookmark and I was auto-logged in again without having to enter my password which is strange after logging out and blowing away cache and cookies, but lo and behold the site works now.... sort of... I say sort of because well, the ACCOUNT navbar is vanished for me also.
GOG website QA dept. gets an F- grade for November. :)
I am going to plant a flag and speculate that they are currently working on website backend changes for new features and for Galaxy that need to be in place before the next upcoming Galaxy client update, and that that will happen real soon as it's been quite a while since 1.1.5 came out.
Remember, website login authentication is hard! :)
HypersomniacLive: When I first logged in today, from the General Discussion forum page, I was presented with the Sign Up/ Log In buttons instead of the Account tab, even though he page showed my favourited topics and the "New Reply" gears next to some threads. So, I was clearly logged in.
After visiting the front page, where the Account tab showed just fine, I refreshed the forum page, and the nav-bar behaved as should.
It's not the first time, and I'm pretty certain it won't be the last one either.
Yep, exactly the same as what I've experienced and also not the first time although it's been well over a year now since the last time it puked on me. Despite these glitches happening though I feel confident that with GOG's continued expansion that some day in the future they'll be able to afford to hire quality assurance techs for the website and test things internally instead of
<span class="bold"></span> :)
JMich: Hover over an avatar, click "Start conversation", replace he username in the url. It should get you to chat, but not sure if it will work with this issue.
yyahoo: Hmm, maybe it's just me, but hovering over avatars isn't doing anything for me now...
I can confirm that here as well, both Firefox and Chrome