moobot83: this is a gaming forum not a politcal forum
kohlrak: Politics is all about people deciding how other people should live their lives. By nature, everything is open for politics. If this is a gaming forum, then it is a political forum, because there are politics in everything. #gamergate is just the most famous example.
Not a very good exemple. It was a political manipulation very artificially parasiting a question of journalism corruption. Going from "reviewers are bribed" to "feminism is ruining entertainment" to "Putin is god, build the wall, covfefe" is not some inevitable natural sequence. Or else, any council of journalism ethics and observatory of press freedom would be a pro-dictatorship homophobic and racist militant hub.
It's true that designating any matter as "political" or "apolitical" is easy (everything is linked to implicit collective norms and collective norms tend to be explicited in politics), and that designating something as "political" or "apolitical" is generally itself an arbitrary political choice, benefitting one agenda or the other (from "don't worry, we cut your salaries in half but it's not a political decision only an economical one, no ideology here i promise" to "hey, the slavers are depicted as baddie again, why do they always get political"). So there is always the choice of labelling an issue as "moral", "ideological", "political" or not. It's a focus on one implication, or, alternately, a denial. On a forum, it's a too reductive way to define unwanted polarizing discussions (just as "niche" is a poor way to describe an unwanted game). In both cases, it should be interpreted as meaning something else. Or else, taken too literally, it's open to absurdist litigious abuse ("hey look, politics here", "hey look, niche there").
So yes, everything is or isn't politics. It's up to gog, in the specific context of forum disputes, to narrow what they mean by "politics", to some untold blurry notion that would be efficient for their moderating purposes. And to apply their own ("niche"-like) definition of "politics" instead of our broad philosophical one.