groze: ... a bunch of jaded old farts that'll bitch and moan about everything that isn't the original Fallouts or Baldur's Gate.
nightcraw1er.488: Quite happy with that thanks, rather than than some coffee swilling androgenous job-shy leftie :o)
Yeah, oddly enough, most of the nerd apolitical proud old fart gamers I know still live with their parents, organizing cringe-inducing pen & paper D&D sessions every week to people who are exactly like them; the few that no longer live at their folks' lead really shitty lives doing jobs that get them closer to suicide each day and all they do is complain about "kids these days" and how the video game industry is ruined (probably forgetting they were kids at some point and that the generation before theirs likely thought they were pretty shitty individuals, wasting their lives away with "classic gem" video games).
As for me, I'm a coffee swilling lefty. Proudly so. I've worked a fulfilling steady job ever since I got my master's degree and I've never been job-shy in my life, unlike the majority of "traditional gamers" I know personally (see the paragraph above). I haven't lived with my parents since I was 22 (18, even, if you count when I moved to Lisbon to go to college). And, yet, I mostly play short indie "artsy" games, I tend to welcome innovation and experimentation in video games, and I think most old games are just overrated pieces of boredom that people blinded by nostalgia praise like they're the best things ever because they're just like old people way before their time, and live in a sepia-like dream state in which the past is everything that matters; that "golden age" that can range from 30 to 5 years ago.
Old fart gamers tend to forget most old games were pretty shitty. Yes, the majority of contemporary games are crap, but it's always been like this; the "classics" that stood the test of time were like oasis of goodness in a desert of mediocrity. That still happens today, with the added benefit that, now, you can look up any game on the internet, watch gameplay videos, etc., whereas in the "good old days" you had to take huge risks, "judge a book by its cover", buy a game that was probably a turd because it had cool box art or an interesting enough blurb. Today, like yesterday, great games are being made, and I more than welcome them.
I have absolutely no patience or time for elitist, self-entitled gamers that are stuck in the past. Maybe you feel fine being one of those prejudiced twats, that's fine, it's not like I care. But this nostalgia-driven community that admittedly helped GOG so much in the beginning is now holding GOG back. Luckily, I think most GOG users (the ones who buy the games instead of bitching and moaning about everything) don't care about this community. They're better off that way. But the damage has been done, most gaming communities out there seem to think we are all elitist snowflakes that welcome nothing and rage at everything. I think GOG should be for everyone, not just some "elite chosen few". We should be welcoming new games and new people, instead of shooing them all away because they're ruining "our lawn".