tremere110: Their definition of DRM-Free may differ from your definition of DRM-Free. There was a "DRM-Free" Mobile Bundle a while back which required you to use their client in order to download the games. I don't recall if I checked that, but I think if the HB Android game is downloadable through their HB Android client, it can be downloaded straight from their web page as well (as an .apk installer) because their client downloads .apks as well. And like I pointed out in that thread, I'd personally still consider it DRM-free _even_ if the first time download required a client, as long as after that I could install and run the game freely (without accounts, clients etc.).
However, I think there was a better HB Android example. They had some Android bundle with, I think, Namco games. "DRM-free" was at least initially mentioned there too, but afterwards it dawned to me that they don't even offer standalone.apk installers for those games, but you actually have to download and install the game with Google Play.
DRM-free my ass. I complained to the HB support, they said they are ready to refund for me but I let it go this time but told them to be clearer in the future if the game is (or isn't) DRM-free.
catpower1980: Sounds more like a few bad cases instead of a generalized broken store.
Maybe so, but it is enough to demonstrate that apparently the DRM-free installers are a mere afterthought for them. If they have some problems with it, they rather remove it (even from those who've already purchased it), rather than try to fix it with the publisher. I guess they just figure "people can use the Steam version instead if they are not happy with the DRM-free installer".
By the way (in case someone knows), if HB has offered some base game as a DRM-free installer, do they usually later receive any additional DLCs also? Or do those DLCs come only for the Steam version? I've been thinking this whenever I see HB offering some Windows version DRM-free, but only the base game.